Berkeley Review (TBR 2013), Examkrackers, Kaplan

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7+ Year Member
Nov 28, 2015
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Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to get rid of these books as I have no need for them after finishing the MCAT. I took the 2015 test with these books and I did well enough to apply to many schools. I know the value of these books have depreciated, but the content is still applicable. As long as you factor in taking all the official AAMC practice test in your schedule, these are still as useful in your mcat studying (resources SN2ed and r/mcat). Each package has an included shipping cost which I believe is from 2-5$ due to media shipping. Please contact me at [email protected]

$100 -TBR 2013 version, all like new as I even was very careful with them. Like new= no writing, no crease, no highlighting.

$50 - Exam Krackers 9th edition, like new with the box, with the plastic still on

$15 - Exam Krackers 7th edition
, Used
Physics, Chem, Ochem, Bio, Verbal. Not much changed compared to the 9th edition honestly except missing the psych book which is not my favorite. I bought them from someone else so, not in pristine condition, but also has no writing or highlighting.

$50 - Kaplan 2015 version, Very good, no writing or highlighting
I hesitate to say like new condition since these books were used the most. I don't understand the hate for these books, but I thought they had the best and clear explanations. TBR over complicates things and Examkrackers's info is not as organized in my opinion. Of course, practice problems should be done with another book.

Let me know if you're interested in the other ones like NextStep psych or 101 verbal passages, etc. OBO

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