Best anatomy and physiology book?

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Apr 12, 2013
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Hi everyone, I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations for an anatomy and physiology book that would really help to refresh one's memory (origins, insertions, nerve innervations, etc.) before starting PT school in the fall.

Maybe there's a book that integrates manuel therapy and other modalities? Thanks!!

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For anatomy, I highly suggest Gray's Anatomy for Students. For physiology, I found Medical Physiology by Guyton and Hall surprisingly easy to read. The information is explained clearly in a way that makes reading a physiology textbook not so bad. Also for anatomy, I would suggest picking up an atlas, such as the standard Netters or my personal favorite, Atlas of Anatomy, which I think has the best pictures of muscles. I also have the Netters flashcards, so I guess that's why I never really felt like I needed the Netters atlas. Use lots of different sources to see the information presented in different ways and you'll have it down. Use Wikipedia to look up additional information as well.
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Check your PT school and see which anatomy textbook that they use. There are some differences between different textbooks so you don't want to learn the wrong information. On the other hand, I would suggest relaxing before PT school. Once school starts it will be 2+ years without many breaks. Start fresh and ready, do not wear yourself out before school starts.
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Check your PT school and see which anatomy textbook that they use. There are some differences between different textbooks so you don't want to learn the wrong information. On the other hand, I would suggest relaxing before PT school. Once school starts it will be 2+ years without many breaks. Start fresh and ready, do not wear yourself out before school starts.
Great advice and I appreciate the input!
Physiology by Costanzo and the abbreviated version, BRS Physiology by the same author. For anatomy, any Atlas (Grant, Thieme, Netter) will be fine. Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy is second to none in terms of depth.
Gray's Anatomy for Students is a really dense and detailed book. We used it in my gross anatomy course in PT school, but I wouldn't consider it a book to use for a brief review or overview. I think an atlas would be better for that. My favorite atlas is the one by Thieme.