Technology Best Dell for Premed

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I will be a biology major premed student at Indiana University next year and my parents told me they would pay for my laptop, but it has to be a Dell. Which Dell do you guys recommend? Tablet? XPS? Thanks for your suggestions

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I don't think I would have found a tablet necessary during undergrad. Its main benefit is the ability to annotate Powerpoint slides, but this seems to be exponentially more beneficial during med school than during undergrad.

That being said, I had a laptop throughout undergrad, and I made some poor choices when I bought my first laptop before my freshman year. You may find it unnecessary to bring your computer with you everywhere, but if that's what you're planning on, I wouldn't get anything more than ~5 lbs. Personally, I love my 13.3" widescreen and hated my 15" laptop, so I guess I'd recommend the former if that's not too small for you. Personally, I would have gone with 12", but they had just discontinued that size when I bought my laptop.

Other than that, I don't know anything about Dell, except that I'd rather lie to my parents and use the money for a MacBook, but I'm not going to tell you how to live. :D
I will be a biology major premed student at Indiana University next year and my parents told me they would pay for my laptop, but it has to be a Dell. Which Dell do you guys recommend? Tablet? XPS? Thanks for your suggestions

I was in the same boat three years ago. My dad insisted on me getting a Dell. I would advise, as C-Bear probably would, to get a Mac. You can pretty much run theh same programs as a pc. Dells may look nice, but they are still pretty pricy for upgrades. My dell currently overheats like non other. Then there's the vista problem... let's just not go there. Get a mac, your computer will be stylish and it won't take 10 min from when you first start your computer to go on the internet.

Once you go mac, you don't go back.
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I was in the same boat three years ago. My dad insisted on me getting a Dell. I would advise, as C-Bear probably would, to get a Mac. You can pretty much run theh same programs as a pc. Dells may look nice, but they are still pretty pricy for upgrades. My dell currently overheats like non other. Then there's the vista problem... let's just not go there. Get a mac, your computer will be stylish and it won't take 10 min from when you first start your computer to go on the internet.

Once you go mac, you don't go back.
I'm a third on for the Mac. Remember you get what you pay for. In a few months you'll be swimming in spam, trojans and other nasty things you picked up on the web. Mac's don't have this problem. No reason to buy or own anti-viral software.

Also if you do get a Mac I suggest using iWork over MS Office, iWork made by apple does everything 90% Office does (as a premed you won't need the other 10%) and it costs more than 60% less.

I think I would rather use a calculator than a dell for my computing needs
Don't do it. My last laptop was a Dell. I had to replace the AC adaptor cord twice in 1 1/2 years. That cord is problematic and Dell knows it. It frays out and pops out of the back; it's a source of constant frustration. And that was just one problem. Don't believe me? Just Google "Dell laptop AC adaptor cord" and see what pops up.

Get a MacBook. It's been two weeks and the only reason I turned on my old PC was to view my paycheck because my employer does not support Safari ("We only support IE; you can't use Safari to view your paycheck.") I refuse to Microsoft anything on this MacBook, so I guess I have to hang on to the old PC for a few odds and ends.
OMG. I just read all those other posts and I feel like I'm having PTSD remembering all of the horrible stuff about my craptop Dell and Vista.

Lol I didn't really want to add to this discussion as it is a little one-sided. I'm a Mac person. However, if your parents are lenient perhaps you can tell them you will pay for whatever added expense a Mac would be. What is their infatuation with Dell anyway?
if you are willing to spend the money...i think the XPS M1330 is just GREAT! its light weight, ultra-portable (in the class of), and with a few upgrades it should run you for a while!

With the LED screen (which you should get) i believe the weight comes just shy of 4 lbs. Though i am a mac user, i have a lot of experience with dell....and if it wasnt for my first mac, i would have gone with M1330. Look into it, ofcourse you will want the 4gb option of RAM and the LED screen as i mentioned. You might also choose the harddrive to your need. Though solid state drives interest me, it might not be financially worth it for you. you can always go to and check out laptop reviews. However due to major price drops i dont think the 1330 will cost you more than $1400 to $1500.
The only reason they prefer dell is because they have a dell account already, and apple doesn't offer one. But I think I've found a way to get the MacBook, because best buy sells macs now so I think they are going to let me get it from there! Now the question is, the new white macbook or the alum one? I can't decide wether the extra $300 is worth of or not
I would get the alum one. Better specs for only a slightly little bit more money. You'll thank us when you get it in your hands. And remember if you need help with it then just ask
lets be honest here. laptop for a "premed"??? are you gonna be editing HD video and running photoshop cs4 extended while running a handful of other applications and possibly doing some 3D image editing for a high end, ground breaking biomolecular research project youre involved in that is trying to discover the exact insertional site of a teratogenic molecule into DNA and is on the brink of changing the world as we know it??? chances are, and I'm betting the chances are good, you arent. I'm sure premed students would have the same needs for a good lap top that any other student would. I'm finishing up with all my prereqs and not once has my 2003 vaio failed me. it doesnt even have a gig of memory for petes sake!

you want to carry it to class with you? just make sure you get something portable and not a monster notebook with a huge screen. also make sure the battery has a good life. thats really about it....there arent any special "premed" notebooks out there. if you like music, movies and computer games base your purchase of a computer off of those kinds of interest cuz undergrad, especially for a premed student, isnt going to require a powerhouse computer that costs lots of money.

now, maybe when you get to medical school you will need a nicer computer....I wouldnt know I'm not a med student. 4 or 5 years the computer you buy will be "ancient" in terms of computers and you will need a new one anyway. trust me, the one you get now will seem like a gimp to the new ones that come, even within the next year...probably less
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I've been an avid Dell consumer for years and never had a problem. Besides a coke spilled in one of them, and that wasn't Dell's fault. However, I do buy accident insurance now, lol.

I wouldn't have any other computer for med school. :)
Why does it have to be a Dell? It's strange for your parents to rely more on brand loyalty than something that is actually the best product for the money. I'd tell them that you'll do your research and get something reasonably priced for what you need. Or you could just ask us :laugh:
The only reason they prefer dell is because they have a dell account already, and apple doesn't offer one. But I think I've found a way to get the MacBook, because best buy sells macs now so I think they are going to let me get it from there! Now the question is, the new white macbook or the alum one? I can't decide wether the extra $300 is worth of or not

Oooh, let me take this one! Spend the extra $300 and get the MacBook aluminum. I was exactly where you were three weeks ago, and when you stand there and compare them side by side it's no contest. Go online and look at what you get with a "White" vs MacBook aluminum. I spent about six months doing nothing but thinking about what I was going to do. I would go in the Apple store and just stand there playing around with the demos. By the time I was ready to buy I was on a mission.

Got a free printer, too. I already had a printer, but hey, it was free, I wasn't going to turn that down! And the one time I had to call tech support I got someone who was 1) not condescending and; 2) spoke clear, comprehensible English! I didn't know how to act! You will not get that with Dell. Oh, wait, you can get that with Dell...for a monthly fee. Making people pay for the convenience of being able to understand tech support. And people are stupid enough to buy it!

I can't emphasize how much I love this laptop. :love: (We won't even discuss my new found love for my iPod and iTunes.)
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Oooh, let me take this one! Spend the extra $300 and get the MacBook. I was exactly where you were three weeks ago, and when you stand there and compare them side by side it's no contest. Go online and look at what you get with a "White" vs MacBook. I spent about six months doing nothing but thinking about what I was going to do. I would go in the Apple store and just stand there playing around with the demos. By the time I was ready to buy I was on a mission.

I can't emphasize how much I love this laptop. :love: (We won't even discuss my new found love for my iPod and iTunes.)
Did you previously used to own a zune? I mean does anyone actually own an mp3 player other than an iPod?
Did you previously used to own a zune? I mean does anyone actually own an mp3 player other than an iPod?

I found owning a PC so hateful that when someone tried to explain the process of burning a disc I could feel my eyes glazing over. I figured an iPod or downloading music from a CD to and iPod would be the equivalent of launching the Space Shuttle. I rationalized this deficiency by saying that there was no need to constantly be "plugged in," and that sometimes it was good to just sit and absorb the sounds around you and do nothing.

People who know me personally have found it incomprehensible that I lasted this long without one.
I found owning a PC so hateful that when someone tried to explain the process of burning a disc I could feel my eyes glazing over. I figured an iPod or downloading music from a CD to and iPod would be the equivalent of launching the Space Shuttle. I rationalized this deficiency by saying that there was no need to constantly be "plugged in," and that sometimes it was good to just sit and absorb the sounds around you and do nothing.

People who know me personally have found it incomprehensible that I lasted this long without one.
Yeah burning a disc in Windows was a pain, ever since I jumped ship in 2002 I've never looked back. I always hate having to use windows.

Oh and if you enable the debug menu in safari you can switch the user agent in which the browser identifies itself to websites so you can tell a website that you are using IE and not Safari if need be and will only stay active for that one website once you close the window safari will be back to normal but you won't notice a thing. This might be what you need to stop having to turn on the PC to view your paycheck
Yeah burning a disc in Windows was a pain, ever since I jumped ship in 2002 I've never looked back. I always hate having to use windows.

Oh and if you enable the debug menu in safari you can switch the user agent in which the browser identifies itself to websites so you can tell a website that you are using IE and not Safari if need be and will only stay active for that one website once you close the window safari will be back to normal but you won't notice a thing. This might be what you need to stop having to turn on the PC to view your paycheck

Thank you! I just love finding ways around "the system."
Not a problem. If you want other help just shoot me a PM. I love helping new mac users get on their feet.

I have a general question. Why are Mac users so much friendlier and patient in explaining things than PC users? They go out of their way to help you. I remember when I got my PC and had it not been for one or two people I would have never gotten any skills at all (what few I have). Mac users seem to be eager to share their knowledge.

It's interesting, whatever it is. :thumbup:
I have a general question. Why are Mac users so much friendlier and patient in explaining things than PC users? They go out of their way to help you. I remember when I got my PC and had it not been for one or two people I would have never gotten any skills at all (what few I have). Mac users seem to be eager to share their knowledge.

It's interesting, whatever it is. :thumbup:

Seriously? Do you think that when they try to get everyone to move into the cave, wear the jumpsuit, and drink the Kool-Aid, they're being jerks about it?

Hell to the no! They're the friendliest real estate agent/jumpsuit salesmen/Kool-Aid servers you've ever met!

Now drink up!! :smuggrin:

I have a general question. Why are Mac users so much friendlier and patient in explaining things than PC users? They go out of their way to help you. I remember when I got my PC and had it not been for one or two people I would have never gotten any skills at all (what few I have). Mac users seem to be eager to share their knowledge.

It's interesting, whatever it is. :thumbup:
It's the community, we love our computers and have fun using them. Windows users on the other hand I don't think I've ever met one that actually claimed to love their computer. Most windows users either just use it or complain about them.

It's actually a telling experience the more you think about it. I'm not sure if I ever heard someone claim to switch from OS X to using a Winturd system but you hear more and more people switch from Winturds to OS X. I remember when I was a sophomore in college I was always trying to get people to switch. I actually feel less unique, back in 02-03 I was one of the very few that actually owed a mac and used it in school, now when I go to class I see a higher percentage, makes me feel good that people are switching but also that they are bandwagon jumpers.

Ultimately doesn't matter, as long as Apple keeps putting out quality products and remains focused on a vision and doesn't try to saturate the market place with crap in order to command a monopoly position it's all good.
Seriously? Do you think that when they try to get everyone to move into the cave, wear the jumpsuit, and drink the Kool-Aid, they're being jerks about it?

Hell to the no! They're the friendliest real estate agent/jumpsuit salesmen/Kool-Aid servers you've ever met!

Now drink up!! :smuggrin:


I knew you all were just Amway salespeople in disguise. :laugh: