BOTH Best Study Material for Step 1?

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Mar 9, 2015
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Hey guys,

I've looked around a bit and I haven't seen a thread in regards to what study material everyone is using for USMLE Step 1 or COMLEX.

I'm a first year and have already purchased the USMLE First Aid book, but I'm looking for a good review series as well that goes a little more into depth into each subject. Something that I can use as supplemental material while I'm studying for class.

Most of the people at my school are using BRS which seems pretty solid, but I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on that series as well as other suggestions.

Thank you!

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From an older post I made:

You need to address the issue of content, of understanding the fundamental concepts of medicine and having your mind organized in a specific manner so you know how to think when you are dealt a certain question. This can be accomplished the long way by reading massive textbooks like Guyton or Robbins, -or- a shorter method is you can use a condensed textbook that will teach you all the material presented on the exam (and in the clinics for that matter), like the pre-official copy of the PASS Notes for example.
Hey guys,

I've looked around a bit and I haven't seen a thread in regards to what study material everyone is using for USMLE Step 1 or COMLEX.

I'm a first year and have already purchased the USMLE First Aid book, but I'm looking for a good review series as well that goes a little more into depth into each subject. Something that I can use as supplemental material while I'm studying for class.

Most of the people at my school are using BRS which seems pretty solid, but I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on that series as well as other suggestions.

Thank you!
Point 1- there is no way you looked around this site at all and couldn't find a thread about study resources for step 1. Just look at the step 1 experiences and scores threads from each year in which people give their experiences, scores, and study plans.

That said, I will stop being a dick and just answer your question. During the school year I recommend First aid, pathoma, and sketchy micro (+ pharm if they come out with that) +/- USMLERx qbank if you are a question kinda guy.

During your DEDICATED study period- UWorld, first aid, pathoma (the infamous UFAP), +/- sketchy micro/pharm and goljan audio.

I would say the above advice is pretty much consensus on this site, with the core of UFAP for dedicated being the most popular, and my plan being a little on the intense side. IMO the BRS system sucks, but I hate reading textbooks. Other resources people use include the kaplan Qbank, RR (rapid review) pathology by goljan, and robbins, but I don't have any experience with them. Good luck
UWORLD and First Aid (repetition and understand the concepts of everything thing in the book)
Reference (BRS physio,RR goljan, Pathoma ) and thanks to the many online medical journals eg pubmed and google.
Keep the resources less and understand more!!!
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