The best part of ortho is nobody has a clue about your job except you, and there is no dealing with general medical BS. The general trauma surgeons in town have recently taken that stance that we are not allowed to mess with "their" pain managment or DVT protocols.
So, now not only do they admit and manage our patients, but now everytime a patient complains about pain we get to say "Sorry, we aren't in charge, direct your complaints to the trauma team". (and for this we greatly appreciate and love them)
Basically we just chill, eat, and fix bones all day and its a pretty good life. Might check a hemoglobin level if I am feeling crazy, or a lactate or BE for a trauma but thats it.
If you want to feel "smart" don't do ortho. If you want to do cool stuff all day and have your patients love you and actually do well then ortho might be for you.
If I couldn't do ortho I would do derm, then psych, then FM, then nothing.