Bio I from CC - retake or take another bio

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Jan 24, 2017
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I took Biology I from a cc. The lecture was online and lab was in-person, altho the transcript doesn't indicate so.
Should I retake Bio I or should I just take another Bio course (like brain behavior + lab). According to AADSAS brain behavior falls under bio subject...

I'm planning on calling the dental schools and asking for their opinions, but wanted to see if anyone else on here had experience.

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It really depends on whether some schools take cc credits. Since bio I is a prereq, it might be harder to make it count as a cc credit for some schools. I would call the schools and ask. I know someone who took gchem at a cc and she was fine in terms of acceptances because she chose schools that counted it.
If you got an A in it, and a good DAT biology score, then I would just move on. Otherwise, you're just wasting time.
I don't think it's a waste of time to retake it if there are schools that don't accept the class from a cc. I know Tufts right of the bat doesn't accept prereqs from a cc. Just ask them, then assess if you think it's better to retake the class depending on what most schools say. If it wasn't a prereq, it would be fine in most cases but since it is, just gotta make sure.