Biology on the June PCAT

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Were there any/many plant related questions on the June PCAT? What about ecology?

I haven't had a biology class in a few years and I don't want to waste time brushing up on useless info. Can anyone give a brief overview of what the bio section covered? TIA!

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Were there any/many plant related questions on the June PCAT? What about ecology?

I haven't had a biology class in a few years and I don't want to waste time brushing up on useless info. Can anyone give a brief overview of what the bio section covered? TIA!
I haven't taken the PCAT before, but be advised that there should be a couple of plant questions on there, and to skip ecology isn't exactly a smart move on your part. ;)
I would know your basic plant anatomy with photosynthesis of course. The PCAT doesn't go into in-depth into either aforementioned topic farther than a couple of general biology classes would.
I remember at least three questions about plants (1 about classification, 2 about life cycle) and 1 from ecology about nitrogenous cycle. They were not specific, don't worry. But you will have to review it. :cool: