General Admissions & OTCAS BS/MS program CUNY York college

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Dec 11, 2021
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Can you apply to a BS/MS program if you already have a Bachelors?

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I went to an info session before and they said you can apply but they might make you take some of there classes if you don't already have them with your Bachelors.
For CUNY? Well that’s good to know I’m really interested in their program even though i got my bachelors last year
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Yes they do have a good program at a great price. I personally applied to SUNY Downstate they have a great program to.
Yes they do have a good program at a great price. I personally applied to SUNY Downstate they have a great program to.
I’ll look into their program! I couldn’t find the program prerequisites or GPA requirements. Do you know where i can find it?
When you go to the OT section of the website, type in or check the area that says admission requirements.