Campbell vs. DMU?

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7+ Year Member
Oct 19, 2015
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Leaning towards Campbell just because I think I would prefer living in NC over Iowa (and I don’t like the idea of 4 month harsh winters) but I just want to know if I will get any advantage going to a school like DMU (one of the OG DO schools)?

Will it be better for me in terms of placement to go to DMU?

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I'd go with DMU because it's more established and well known as one of the top DO schools, and Campbell having having a dress code and mandatory attendance policy.
Is location/weather the only factor? Because I see tuition differences, family ties, and career interests making this discussion more productive (ie competitive interests —> go to the better school; primary care interests —> go to the cheaper school)

Edit: although I will say that, as an NC med student, I really do love NC as a place to live long-term
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Is location/weather the only factor? Because I see tuition differences, family ties, and career interests making this discussion more productive (ie competitive interests —> go to the better school; primary care interests —> go to the cheaper school)

Edit: although I will say that, as an NC med student, I really do love NC as a place to live long-term
From what I’ve been told repeatedly by people on this site, where you match as a DO has more to do with you than your school?

They both match pretty well but I’m definitely wondering if DMU being more established is actually going to be a significant factor in where I place.

As far as the other stuff goes - I have family in NC, Campbell is cheaper (though not enough to make this a factor for me), and it has a smaller class size + is attached to an undergrad university.
From what I’ve been told repeatedly by people on this site, where you match as a DO has more to do with you than your school?

They both match pretty well but I’m definitely wondering if DMU being more established is actually going to be a significant factor in where I place.

As far as the other stuff goes - I have family in NC, Campbell is cheaper (though not enough to make this a factor for me), and it has a smaller class size + is attached to an undergrad university.

In competitive specialties (surgical subspecialties, derm, etc), your chances will be best at historically osteopathic programs. At these programs, a student from DMU vs a student from Campbell with the same stats—the DMU student wins out every time. On top of that, as a new program, Campbell will have fewer resources for their students seeking competitive matches and fewer connections (simply because they have done it fewer times).

Yes, it mostly depends on you and your application, but by program directors, DMU is considered on-par with most low-tier MD programs.

But hey, you do you. It seems like you want Campbell so do that.
In competitive specialties (surgical subspecialties, derm, etc), your chances will be best at historically osteopathic programs. At these programs, a student from DMU vs a student from Campbell with the same stats—the DMU student wins out every time. On top of that, as a new program, Campbell will have fewer resources for their students seeking competitive matches and fewer connections (simply because they have done it fewer times).

Yes, it mostly depends on you and your application, but by program directors, DMU is considered on-par with most low-tier MD programs.

But hey, you do you. It seems like you want Campbell so do that.
This is what I thought too but I looked and it seems like when it comes to specialties like derm, Campbell has been doing better in that regard than DMU. A pro for Campbell for me was also that they have their own residency programs.

Do you know how much of a factor your school name is when it comes to your application?
This is what I thought too but I looked and it seems like when it comes to specialties like derm, Campbell has been doing better in that regard than DMU. A pro for Campbell for me was also that they have their own residency programs.

Do you know how much of a factor your school name is when it comes to your application?

That’s a good point. Knowing you are interested in derm changes things since CU has their own Derm program. That is a significant advantage.

I would say that name is a small factor (although it is a factor). More important things are board scores, research, and LORs—and you’ll be at an advantage for good LORs and research opportunities if your school has a home program.