do school

  1. lialalala

    Which do schools require students to stay in-state for residency?

    I just found out that OUHCOM make students to do residency in-state after graduate, or else pay high fine. Are there any other schools do this? Or at least schools I applied? (MSUCOM, MUCOM, PCOM, NYITCOM, Rowan-SOM)?? Thank you in advance.
  2. B

    DO school Odds and advice moving forward

    Hi Everyone! Im here looking for advice for applying to DO Schools. Ill be applying in June of 2023 and Im trying to gauge if there is anymore I can do to prepare (other than application work of course). My stats are as follow: UGPA: 2.245 SGPA: 2.5 MCAT: 495 This was from back in 2016. My...
  3. Lugh

    What to review/read before medical school...

    Hi, I just want to make sure I am using my time effectively. Any suggestions for videos, books, texts, journals, etc. to read/watch before medical school to get my head back into the hang of things. I took a gap year... might be a little foggy on some topics. Anything would help! Thank you!
  4. C

    Campbell vs. DMU?

    Leaning towards Campbell just because I think I would prefer living in NC over Iowa (and I don’t like the idea of 4 month harsh winters) but I just want to know if I will get any advantage going to a school like DMU (one of the OG DO schools)? Will it be better for me in terms of placement to...
  5. I

    NSU KPCOM (Davie) vs WVSOM

    I have 3 more days (Friday) to decide between the two schools and still can’t decide. I think they’re both good options. Talked to current students from both schools (3 from wvsom, 2 from nsu) and they of course all had good things to say about their respective schools. More about me to...
  6. Neuro Spartan D.O.

    Is not being keen on primary care a red flag?

    So in my personal statement I talk about my interest in neurology and PM&R, due to being helped out so much in my life by these doctors, and how I think the mindset of a DO and OMM training can be a great asset for these specialties. I do not say these are the only specialties I am considering...
  7. Z

    can I get into a do school with a low gpa?

    My gpa is 2.8. I had an upward trend in my last year (4.0= senior year) and my MCAT score is 520. I’ve had one year of research experience, 120 hrs of shadowing and a year of clinical experience. Do I have any chance at all to get into one do school? if not, what should I do to increase my chances?
  8. cosette7

    TouroCOM NY Campus Preference on AACOMAS

    TouroCOM NY Campus Preference on AACOMAS “Please denote what your campus preference is: Should you be offered an interview at TouroCOM-NY what campus would you prefer to interview at. Candidates will interview at one campus only and the interview outcome will apply to that campus only.” They...
  9. 8YearsLate

    WAMC of being misled by this article?

    According to this article, DO school is harder to get into, it's only 2 years long, and you make hundreds of thousands of dollars more than your MD counterparts! Oh, and you become an OD when you've graduated. Very interesting top 10 schools list, too: Top 10 Best Osteopathic Medical Schools...
  10. F

    Mid-October too late to apply?

    I wasn't planning on applying to DO schools this cycle, but was able to obtain a physician's LoR last minute so I figured it was in my best interest given my stats. I wanted to know if mid-October is simply too late to submit my primaries for DO schools- Sub-par stats (worst of it was an MCAT...
  11. D

    Did I overkill by applying to 38 DO schools?

    Hello, So I just discovered SDN recently and kind of panicked when submitting my primaries. I am looking for some assurance that my panicking would be worth it or not. I am a Texas Resident and applied to 38 DO schools, not knowing if I would be able to get in or not. I really like the DO...
  12. H

    Should I Apply? DO Schools

    Do you recommend I apply this cycle? I hope to primarily apply to DO Schools, but maybe to some lower MD schools as well? My academic history is a bit shoddy, so I wanted to get some advice in order to determine if I should another year to solidify my transcript. Country/State of Residence...
  13. Sortie

    Senior, previously pre-dental, now pre-med: Do I stand a chance this upcoming cycle? (DO)

    I am a senior in college that was formerly pre-dental but I decided I want to be pre-med just this semester. I’m considering whether or not I should apply this upcoming admission cycle (And spend all the money that comes with applying) given my stats and background. Would you be able to tell me...
  14. A

    Non-Traditional> DO School or Perfusion?

    I'm at a crossroads and need help! I'm 27 years old (undergraduate degree in biosystems engineering), and have 5 years work experience as an engineer. Through a lot of soul searching, therapy, research, and volunteer/shadowing experience I know I want to go back to school to pursue a career in...
  15. D

    AOA/Merger - NRMP Step 1 Score Reporting

    3rd year DO student here, and am still on the fence about taking Step 1. Interested in FM residency. Does anyone know if it is required to report Step 1 scores on the NRMP residency application post merger completion? Previously there was still the AOA; therefore, ERAS application. Now it will...
  16. W

    Apply? Or sit this cycle out?

    Hey all, So I'm a re-applicant now. This cycle is coming to an end and I'm still post-II waitlisted at ATSU-AZ, but I'm not holding out on getting an acceptance. Final GPA (including post bacc) 3.23 cGPA 3.12 sGPA Post Bacc GPA (19 credits upper division science) 3.95 cGPA and sGPA MCAT: 507...
  17. 0


  18. W

    Unsure of next steps

    Hello all, Unfortunately, my cycle did not go as planned so far. I received 2 interviews (post II R and WL). Silence otherwise. I know my biggest red flag on my application was my GPA. I thought my post bacc of 19 credits (3.9) GPA would offset that concern, but I don't believe it did...
  19. R

    Low GPA, 2 MCAT attempts, aiming DO WAMC?

    I graduated from a UC school last June 2018, majored in Physiology and came out with a 3.43 cGPA and 3.21 sGPA, with an a steady upward trend throughout the 4 years (I started at a 2.92 my first quarter). I've taken the MCAT twice now, 1st attempt 504 (124/124/128/128) and 2nd attempt 507...
  20. D


    Hello! After a rough cycle, I'm so happy to have been offered two seats. I would really appreciate if you could help me choose between these schools. Tuition doesn't matter to me-- I'm trying to focus on location, curriculum, and quality of life (their importances not in any kind of order)...
  21. P

    KCU-Joplin vs RVU-Utah

    I have been accepted to both medical schools and have until mid-January to put down a deposit KCU-Joplin Pros Less expensive tuition ($47,000) Less expensive cost of living. Husband and I could potentially live in a house rather than an apartment. Established school with a great reputation...
  22. EnzymaticFuture

    DO Application Timeline

    Hello everyone. Would a July MCAT still be considered early for DO schools? Also, can someone give me a brief timeline overview for an early DO school application cycle? Do we need to turn in our MCAT scores and LORs to be verified?
  23. F

    What are my chances of getting into a DO school?

    Hey all! So I have my first interview in two weeks and I am FREAKING out. Will you guys give me your honest opinion on my chances of getting in? Stats: GPA: 3.69/3.58 science MCAT: 501 (126,123,125,127) Major/Minor: Biomedical Sciences/ Chemistry and Spanish Research: Biochemistry...
  24. A

    Updating MCAT score

    I am in the process of applying, I haven't submitted my application yet, I want to retake the MCAT again as my third time, am I able to update my mcat score a couple months later after submitting my application?
  25. T


  26. W

    School list help - Low GPA/okay MCAT

    Hey all! Need help with a school list. Got my Mcat score back today Final GPA (including post bacc) 3.23 cGPA 3.12 sGPA Post Bacc GPA (19 credits upper division science) 3.95 cGPA and sGPA MCAT: 507 (124 CARS) ECs: Volunteering at a women's shelter Feeding the homeless Shadowing Psych intern...
  27. examsandyams

    Question about Blacklisting

    So I didn't know if this qualified at a re-applicant question, but I thought it'd make most sense to post here. If a person were to submit 20 DO primaries, then choose to submit 15 secondaries, and then not get into any school, would he or she be blacklisted at the other 5 schools that the...
  28. examsandyams

    3.67 cGPA, 3.4 sGPA, 500 MCAT, Continue with DO app?

    As the title says, I have a 3.67 cGPA, 3.4 sGPA, and a 500 MCAT. I have a good amount of leadership activities, volunteering, hospital-related work, and a study abroad in Asia. I already submitted my primaries to a large number of DO schools, and I have about 80% of the secondary questions...
  29. E

    Take 2nd MCAT after application submission?

    Quick Background: I was a pre-PT student in UG. Gave up PT acceptance in 2016 to pursue med. 2016-2017 = pre-requiste 2017-2018 = advance postbac The Post bac (Fall'17-Spring'18) had an agreement with PCOM. If I score a >3.3GPA & MCAT of 500 (at least 125/section) PCOM will reserve a seat for...
  30. F

    Should I apply or wait?

    is it worth me trying to apply with an MCAT of 492 or should I just wait and retake the mcat and apply next cycle? Do schools like to see reapplicants? Help
  31. Garurumon

    2018-2019 University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine (UIWSOM)

    Haven't seen a thread started for UIWSOM yet (beside the one that closed to further replies a few months ago), so I went ahead and put this up! I got the secondary invite today, verified 5/23 and TX resident. Questions are the same as 2017-2018 cycle: "Explain how your exposure to and...
  32. L

    DO School Applicant Help

    Howdy! (as we say here at Texas A&M) I am currently a second-year college student and will be graduating a year early (in May of 2019) with a degree in health humanities, and minors in English and public health from A&M. I will be finishing up my pre-reqs for DO school post-bacc in the year...
  33. M

    Seeing a Therapist/Counselor while in Med School?

    So I am a first year DO student (starting really soon!) and I was curious on what, if any, are the possible negative consequences of seeing a counselor/therapist while in med school. I have anxiety, and while it does not render me unstable at all, it is something that pops up from time to time...
  34. L

    Starting to feel terrible...I am afraid to make that jump

    Hello all, I am currently a senior with one semester left and in a tough spot. I had originally wanted to go to med school and had a decent cum gpa and science gpa (3.6/3.5). I also had over 2000 hours of shadowing and amazing extracurricular activities but I bombed the MCAT with a 494. I still...
  35. C

    9 interviews with a 500 MCAT

    Hi I just wanted to write a quick post to any premeds because when I was in your situation I read tons of different posts on this website that made me feel like garbage and that I would never get in because of my lower GPA and MCAT. I scored a 500 breakdown was 127/125/123/125. My gpa was a...
  36. S

    MD & DO Canadian 3.6GPA 514 MCAT chances?

    Hi, Canadian here, I'm currently in 4th year of undergraduate honors neuroscience. How competitive am I as an international applicant for MD and DO? Is it worth it to apply to MD at all? GPA 3.6-3.7 with progression of 3.85, 3.65, 3.94, 3.3-3.4. Are fluctuations detrimental to applications...
  37. A

    PNWU vs Western Comp NW

    I've already been accepted to PNWU, but also have an interview at Western in a month. I am having a difficult time deciding which school I would go to and which one would set me up with better residency choices. I know Western seems to be a more established school but the Oregon campus is fairly...
  38. D

    LECOM-Bradenton vs. VCOM-Auburn

    I have interviewed at both schools and really liked both. I'm having issues deciding. I learn best via conversation, talking things out. So the Lecture style at VCOM versus the PBL at LECOM isn't as cut and dry a choice. In the lecture, I am listening for hours. In PBL I am reading all day...
  39. mandyads

    2018-2019 University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

    This space is designed for prospective candidates who are planning to apply for 2019 matriculation. Knowing stats, location and study/application plans would be awesome! If you've had any experience with the school, staff or other students - please share that experience as well! ABOUT ME: I...
  40. M

    Is there any hope of getting into a DO school? What should I do from here?

    So, I really screwed up my science classes and second semester of college, and I was wondering if there is a chance at DO schools. My overall gpa is a 3.45 Freshman Sem 1: Bio A , Calc 1 for engineers B+, etc. GPA term: 3.625 Sem 2: Bio 2 C, BioLab B, Calc 2 for engineers F, etc. GPA term: 1.66...