Can you help me gauge the quality of this clinical experience?

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Jan 9, 2017
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In September of 2015 I was hired at a hospital in the radiology department. I work evenings with the on-call radiology resident. More specifically, I call reports to ED physicians as well as to the hospitalists. I have learned quite a bit about the logistics of being a doctor, as well as what makes sense to radiologists with regard to the workflow. It is as if I am shadowing the doctors I work with. Anyways, in the mean time I am entering the second semester of my second year of undergrad. When applying to med school, will having four years of that sort of "clinical experience" make my application stand out in any way? I am financing my own education and do not want to invest in my education if I fail to get accepted into a medical school. I am quite certain that I would be accepted into the residency program that is at the same hospital, as the residency program director is an attending radiologist that I have worked with frequently. Thanks for the replies!

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Shadowing aside, having direct interaction with patients is very important
It sounds like a good experience but you need to make sure you are getting some patient contact as well through other avenues.
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Do you interact with patients? See if you can expand the "shadowing" to other specialties-primary care, emergency, etc.. You know you need other ECs too,right? Like non clinical volunteering, leadership , maybe research, etc..

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That's a much more medically related way to make money than most applicants will have. But, it doesn't sound like it lets you spend a lot of time around patients and/or seeing patients interact with their care team.