Canadian citizens attending USMDs - difficulty getting H1b

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Sep 6, 2023
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I'm a Canadian MD/PhD student in my 5th year (a few years of PhD and then med school left). I was looking into what staying long term in the US might involve, and I surmised that with a J1, the earliest I could file for immigration would be after residency, IF I were to get the research waiver (so 8-9 years from now). The other waivers would extend the time to 7 years post-graduation. I could also return to Canada and file right away. IF I am lucky enough to get a residency that gives out H1bs, I could try to self sponsor for a green card right after I graduate. My long time ambition has been to create my own startup, and being in the US on non immigrant status would definitely make that difficult.

I was just wondering what other people's experiences have been with getting H1bs as Canadian AMGs? Has it greatly impeded your chances of matching? I am interested in derm, IM + fellowship, rads, perhaps psych. At a mid tier school that has historically gotten good matches for MD/PhDs, should have a decent research portfolio including a grant.


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You will be at a much better position to obtain H1b as you are USMD albeit still an international student which will put you at a disadvantage. They are supposed to be "blind" to your nationality but we all know that is outright false. You will have to be strategic when you apply. When I applied, I made a list of all the programs in my specialty that sponsor H1b. You will have a lot less options as a result but that should not deter you from prioritizing programs that sponsor H1b and rank accordingly. I would add a few programs of your choosing that are either safety or reach that do only J1 and rank accordingly based on your interview impressions.

I would avoid J1 if you can. I am fortunate that I have been able to continue on H1b only through residency and fellowship which would allow me more freedom in career and location choice.
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Email and ask programs directly.

Several state on their websites they do not sponsor H1b.

This rule is waived for US MD grads but not IMGs.

It will still impede your odds of matching as it is an additional hassle for programs.
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