Cardiology Interest Group Help!

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Nov 22, 2022
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Hi all!

Current New York MS1 here hoping to pursue cardiology. The med school I attend does not have a cardiology interest group, and I am getting quite a bit of resistance from our club commissioner with beginning it as it falls under IM. I have so many ideas for this, have backing by the cardiology department as well as IMIG leadership, and am extremely passionate about this. If your medical school has both IM interest group AND cardiology interest group, I would love to be able to connect. I need as much support on this as I can get! If you are passionate about cardiology as well, shoot me a message, I'd love to pick your brain about your experiences and suggestions for a first-year!

Look forward to hearing from you!

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Do they have other interest groups for IM: GI, infectious disease, crit care, endo, heme onc, etc? You could argue they also fall under IM and it’s not fair.

If they don’t, do they have any surgical specialty groups: neurosurgery, plastics, ENT, ortho, etc? You could argue these all fall under “surgery” and it’s not fair to lump of all of medicine together just like you wouldn’t lump ortho and ENT together.

Weird that they won’t let you do that. You can also approach the chief of cardiology and get their support. They are usually a pretty strong position in the hospital since cards makes the big $$$$$$$.
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Do they have other interest groups for IM: GI, infectious disease, crit care, endo, heme onc, etc? You could argue they also fall under IM and it’s not fair.

If they don’t, do they have any surgical specialty groups: neurosurgery, plastics, ENT, ortho, etc? You could argue these all fall under “surgery” and it’s not fair to lump of all of medicine together just like you wouldn’t lump ortho and ENT together.

Weird that they won’t let you do that. You can also approach the chief of cardiology and get their support. They are usually a pretty strong position in the hospital since cards makes the big $$$$$$$.
Thanks so much for the help! They have crit care, onc, sports med and a few others. They said that because they're well established groups, that they just won't approve new proposals under IM. It's very frustrating.

Really great suggestion approaching the chief on this. I have the support of some of the physicians in the department, but it definitely would be worth approaching the chief.