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Sep 7, 2020
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Albert Einstein once said, "Curiosity has its own reason for existing."​

  1. What did Einstein mean when he said that?
  2. When can curiosity be dangerous?
  3. Describe a time where you showed extensive curiosity.
Give yourself 5 minutes to articulate a response & Discuss Below !!

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  1. I believe Albert Einstein says that curiosity always stems from a reason. I do not believe people are randomly curious. For instance, if a child has always found an interest in animals, I believe it is reasonable to see them be curious animal behavior. This interest in animals is the reason for why the child might be curious about animal behavior. Or, for me, I have many people ask me randomly about my culture as a Chinese American. Although it can sometimes come off as ignorant or rude, I try to answer as respectively as possible. I realize that many of these people may not have a lot of family or friends who are Chinese American and, hence, they genuinely curious. Therefore, it is important to consider that curiosity from someone may be do to an underlying reason.
  2. I believe that it depends on the situation. I understand that children can be so curious that it can lead to dangerous situations. One can see on the news that children sometimes enters into caves or abandoned houses and getting trapped just because they are curious about what is in there. On the other hand, there are professional cave explorers and urban explorers who have experience exploring caves and abandoned buildings. Their curiosity allows them to discover new places in a safe manner. Hence, Allowing curiosity to take over without weighing the benefits and risks and understanding what may occur is when curiosity may become dangerous.
  3. I believe my time I showed extensive curiosity is taking a herpetology course. I have never had any experience with snakes or reptiles or evolutionary science. However, I have had a friends with a snake and would have loved to know more about their behavior. Therefore, taking the herpetology course was a risk for me as I was coming in with little-to-no knowledge. However, it was greatly interesting and I was glad my curiosity fro the subject brought me to sign up for this class