You have been promoted to assistant manager at a publishing company. Recently, your boss has been taking long lunch hours and leaving early, leaving you to do your work and theirs.
- How should you talk to your boss?
- Your boss says that your job is to help them with their tasks. Are they taking advantage of you?
- Whose duty is it to ensure that workers are treated fairly?
Discuss Below !!
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1. I'd first investigate perhaps they have something going on maybe with their family or relationship. The gut reaction would be to assume they are lazy, but I find many times that this type of behavior itself also is rooted in something else. Ultimately, if there is something going on and I can handle a bit of extra work, I'd probably just manage it. Although at some point hopefully they would see that I'm helping them out, and that may build enough rapport for us to have a good conversation. If I am getting very negative vibes from it, then I would be more likely to have a small confrontation, hopefully without making them too defensive. "Hey, I just noticed that you've been heading out early, and I wanted to make sure that everything was ok. I don't mind helping out some, but all of this extra work is putting a stress on me. Maybe we can figure something out."
2. This would depend on the job description, and if I am getting paid overtime, or if I'm just having to do more work per my alotted time. If the type of job is where the boss can kind of just do whatever they want, then I suppose I can't really complain. The issue only for me would be that I'm doing mor ethan my job description, working more hours than agreed, or not getting paid. I would obviously try to appeal to them though even if all the above were in specification, letting them know that I'm struggling.
3. Everyone should be communicating with each other. Depending on the type of business / establishment there may be SOPs or regulations that have to be met. If there are clear violations then it should be up to the employee or an anonymous box that someone perhaps isn't getting paid for work done. But the best way for all of this is everyone to be able to communicate openly, rationally, and to try to foster a healthy environment.
Time 5m
I started rambling at the end due to time.