1. I think one should not proceed with the task at hand. I understand a lot of medical conditions and pain cause cause many to feel irritated and as a result, lash out as such even to medical professionals trying to help. On the other hand, if I begin to feel unsafe about what is being said, it is important to trust my gut and not further agitate the patient by interacting with them. Therefore, I believe it is important to step away from the situation to either let the patient calm down, to reassess the situation, or inform the nurse on what is occurring to get better information on how to handle the situation
2. I understand that the patient is being disrespectful and often times in stores this would make many establishments ask someone to leave. However, in a hospital, it is important to understand, again, that this patient may be in pain or may have a medical condition or is in distress causing him to lash out this way to me when they normally would not. Therefore, as a hospital, it is important to understand why this patient may be doing this and help the patient out. Moreover, this patient came into the hospital to obviously gain medical help. Therefore, it is important to be empathetic in this situation and to assist the patient as best as possible while looking beyond the disrespectful comments.
3.I once felt disrespected by a patient before. I was doing clinicals in my CNA class at a retirement home. A patient i was helping called me a ‘oriental’ which is a derogatory temr for those of asian descent. Although it was offensive, I also put it in perspective that this patient both grew up in a time where that terminology was acceptable. It is important to sometimes look beyond the action, although difficult, and understand the whole story and background of such.
(please ignore the mistakes. I typed it fast and I know minor typing mistakes are overlooked on the CASPER)