Chad's videos vs coursesaver

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Dec 5, 2016
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So i bought a subscription for Chad's videos on the website which is 10 dollars a month. Course saver videos are 50 a month....Is there any difference between the two? I know Chad used to work for course saver so just wanted to know if i should even worry about buying coursesaver. Thanks

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I watched both.
Coursesaver is much better because it's actually geared purely towards DATs specifically.
Not to mention the QR lectures helped me brush things up within a day.

Went through all the threads on this forum looking for concrete answer to this question.
There was none. So I went through both.

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I liked Coursesaver as well because they had quizzes for specific topics that you can work on if you feel like you need the extra practice :)
I have both. Chad's (chemistryprep) for school, and coursesaver for the DAT. I've emailed Chad and the course saver is tailored for the DAT/OAT specifically and after watching both, it definitely is. Chem prep will work just fine, it's just more material than needed.

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I have both. Chad's (chemistryprep) for school, and coursesaver for the DAT. I've emailed Chad and the course saver is tailored for the DAT/OAT specifically and after watching both, it definitely is. Chem prep will work just fine, it's just more material than needed.

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I ended buying both and I can fully agree with that. Even though the chemistry videos from his website were good, the ones from course saver go into a lot more detail and specifics that i think would help in the DAT.
For anyone having this debate, I would 100% invest in coursesaver. Chad's videos are good don't get me wrong, but the material is designed for a general chemistry course.
So i bought a subscription for Chad's videos on the website which is 10 dollars a month. Course saver videos are 50 a month....Is there any difference between the two? I know Chad used to work for course saver so just wanted to know if i should even worry about buying coursesaver. Thanks

Are you an ASDA member? you can get course saver for 37/month with a promo code.