Challenge essay ideas?

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Jan 21, 2019
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Is it okay to write about dealing with the loss of a loved one as a part of the 'describe a time you face a challenging situation' essay? I am unsure if it is too emotional/personal a topic to be addressed. (If anyone is willing to look over a rough draft to see if it is appropriate, then I could dm you a link)
If not, are any of these do you think good ideas:

1. a time when my family began experienciing more economic difficulty and I had to find creative ways to make money (unsure about this since it was when i was in 9th - 10th grade so it is a while ago)

2. Learning to live a healthier lifestyle/ manage my weight after growing up in a family w/ a lot of obesity and diabetes/hypertension

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Pick the one that you can talk confidently about how you overcame the problem and what you learned from it (and maybe even how you’re applying the lessons to this day). That’s what med schools want to really learn from these essays, and the prompt itself isn’t as important as how you talk about it (as long as it isn’t spoiled/entitled/out of touch).

Both #1 and #2 work in that regard IMO.