challenge essay topic please help!

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Jul 5, 2022
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I am really struggling to try to find a good challenge essay topic. here are some of the ideas I thought of:

- my transition to college: I attended the same small private school from k-12th grade so going to college was a big change. i had trouble making friends during my first year and being a commuter student and the pandemic made it even harder but i pushed through and put myself out there and now have a good group of college friends

- convincing my parents (who are traditional and strict) to let me marry someone of a different background than us, took a lot of time and convincing but eventually they agreed and now we plan on getting married within the next year

- having to miss my best friend's wedding because i got covid, very upsetting but to get over it i tried to be as involved as possible (through calling her often, being on facetime throughout the wedding, etc) idk

- having a fight and losing my best friend after 7-8 years, learned to accept it and understood that it was the best decision for me because she was very possessive and jealous (didn't let me have any friends other than her)

-pursuing medicine even tho my fam and community were not supportive because in my culture/background women's main priority should be getting married and having kids right after college. i learned resilience and decided to pursue my passion instead of being held back cuz of cultural stigma

are these any good? please helppp

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What is your prompt?
the challenge essay prompts like:
- We seek students who are self-aware, resilient and adaptable. Discuss a personal or professional challenge you’ve experienced and how you resolved it. Please include insight on what you learned about yourself as a result
- Tell us about a challenging problem you faced and how you resolved it. Include how the experience contributed to the person you are today.
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Pasted below is a link to a helpful SDN article on writing essays.

Essays in general should be used to show that (i) you are motivated to become a doctor, (ii) have the traits necessary to be a successful medical student and doctor (e.g., thoughtful, resilient, culturally competent, etc.); and (iii) have the necessary experience to understand what you are getting into. While some topics may be better suited than others for achieving these goals, many topics can be successfully used as a vehicle to demonstrate that you have what it takes. Of paramount importance, however, is that you make sure every sentence in your essay helps you to further one or more of these goals.

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