Honestly, update your top choice and your second choice and your third choice because why not?
Write a nice paragraph about how this work is enhancing your teamwork and collaboration skills and how working in the dental field have made you closer to your dreams of becoming a dentist, etc etc.
It's not enough to just say they are your top choice and you enjoyed your time there.
Tie it to the city, why you want to live in that city? Put a paragraph talking on why that place is the perfect place for you, not the just the school. If there is a famous place in that city or famous sports group or a relative or best friend who lives there.
Also, call them to make sure they got your letter of interest/intent and your update.
Try to connect to someone who is in charge. Apologize for pestering them so much, but tell them you are only president because you love to be part of their great school.