Chances of getting an interview as of the end of February

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Feb 27, 2019
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I applied to 8 school got rejected from 4. All i have left is Marquette, BU ,Tufts, and UPenn, haven't heard anything from any of them up to this point. Except that Marquette decided to hold making a decision on my application. Am i to assume that at this point i should expect to be applying again next cycle or do i still have a chance for this year ?

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Have you sent letters of interest? I would definitely recommend sending letters of interest to those remaining schools. I usually hope for the best but prepare for the worst. So I would advice that you prepare yourself to apply next year, improve on difference aspect of your application and reflect on this cycle. But hopefully you get in this cycle but the next cycle will come quickly and you wanna make sure you are in the best possible position.
I was in a similar position until just this morning actually. I made arrangements to begin a masters program and email the schools with letters of interest. As part of my letter I included that I have take initiative to improve acedemically via my masters in the instance that I am not accepted.
I can’t say if this is why I received an invite but it’s worth a try.
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Start improving your app now because it is looking rough. You're on hold which means rejection and those three schools are probably interviewing for their waitlists. Fill out a "what are my chances" template and see where you need improvement. I'd also call the schools you've already gotten the R from and ask how you can improve your app for next cycle. Good luck.
You have a chance at Tufts and maybe maybe Boston. So keep on calling these two! ( unless you have CC credits which might stand in the way with these two )

Send them letters of interest one after the other. If you need help with a letter of interest contact me, I can read your letter and tell you what I think.

At Penn, they said the last interviews are gonna be this coming week, Did they mean March the 1st or March 8th; I am not sure.

Also, I heard and I am not sure about that: Marquette is done with the interviews, sadly.

What are your stats by the way?
and which schools rejected you?

Maybe you applied to schools that want high grades (ex: Penn, harvard, Columbia, UCLA) or maybe you applied to hard to get in (state schools)
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I sent a couple letters of intent, and also drove to a couple schools within driving range and did scheduled tours. It's usually with someone from admissions, so it was a good time to let them see my face and express my interest in person. Unfortunately, I don't have any invites as a result, so I'm unsure if it was a waste of my gas money or beneficial.
I sent a couple letters of intent, and also drove to a couple schools within driving range and did scheduled tours. It's usually with someone from admissions, so it was a good time to let them see my face and express my interest in person. Unfortunately, I don't have any invites as a result, so I'm unsure if it was a waste of my gas money or beneficial.

Send other letters. Do not give up, show them you are persistent and you love their school.
Update them with your latest news! More shadowing hours, or volunteering hours, anything!

Contact people who work in the admission specifically.
Send other letters. Do not give up, show them you are persistent and you love their school.
Update them with your latest news! More shadowing hours, or volunteering hours, anything!

Contact people who work in the admission specifically.
Should I update my top choice that I am still working as a dental assistant and a part-time student, even though I included it in my primary application already ?
Should I update my top choice that I am still working as a dental assistant and a part-time student, even though I included it in my primary application already ?

Honestly, update your top choice and your second choice and your third choice because why not?

Write a nice paragraph about how this work is enhancing your teamwork and collaboration skills and how working in the dental field have made you closer to your dreams of becoming a dentist, etc etc.

It's not enough to just say they are your top choice and you enjoyed your time there.

Tie it to the city, why you want to live in that city? Put a paragraph talking on why that place is the perfect place for you, not the just the school. If there is a famous place in that city or famous sports group or a relative or best friend who lives there.

Also, call them to make sure they got your letter of interest/intent and your update.

Try to connect to someone who is in charge. Apologize for pestering them so much, but tell them you are only persistent because you love to be part of their great school.

Honestly, update your top choice and your second choice and your third choice because why not?

Write a nice paragraph about how this work is enhancing your teamwork and collaboration skills and how working in the dental field have made you closer to your dreams of becoming a dentist, etc etc.

It's not enough to just say they are your top choice and you enjoyed your time there.

Tie it to the city, why you want to live in that city? Put a paragraph talking on why that place is the perfect place for you, not the just the school. If there is a famous place in that city or famous sports group or a relative or best friend who lives there.

Also, call them to make sure they got your letter of interest/intent and your update.

Try to connect to someone who is in charge. Apologize for pestering them so much, but tell them you are only president because you love to be part of their great school.
Thanks! I'm tired of anxiously waiting to get off the waiting list at my top choices! time to make it happen!