Check this air out

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Arch Guillotti

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Aug 9, 2001
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Who squeezed the cameraman's testes?

Reminds me of Martin Short's character on Father of the Bride

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Kites+snowboards+rock and cold, hard, ground=f^(&ing stupid.
I think this should be nominated for a Darwin award runner-up. I don't know about you, but as soon as I was more than 10 feet off the ground I would've let go. This guy is a *****... but, he'll probably procreate copiously thus scattering his tainted genetic material throughout endless iterations of subsequent generations.

I think this should be nominated for a Darwin award runner-up. I don't know about you, but as soon as I was more than 10 feet off the ground I would've let go. This guy is a *****... but, he'll probably procreate copiously thus scattering his tainted genetic material throughout endless iterations of subsequent generations.


You can't just "let go". The kite is secured to you with a harness sort of like a climbing harness. Once the force is great enough, you can't disconnect it.

Remember the guy kite surfing in Fla during the hurricane this year?
You can't just "let go". The kite is secured to you with a harness sort of like a climbing harness. Once the force is great enough, you can't disconnect it.

Oh. Didn't realize that.

Remember the guy kite surfing in Fla during the hurricane this year?

:confused: I just don't get it. Why on earth would you hook yourself to such a contraption... in a friggin' hurricane. What a *****. Seriously, pure stupidity. Of course, the guy probably lived and will procreate copiously.
