Child neuro elective rotations

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Hi! I’m a third year DO student interested in child neuro. I’m hoping to stay in the Midwest for residency and am wondering where to do electives/auditions. I scored decent on step 1 (240s) and tons of volunteering but only have research from undergrad. Does anyone have any tips on the best places to rotate as a DO?

Debating between Cleveland Clinic, Cincinnati, Nationwide, IU, and UofM but any suggestions would be great! Thank you!

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Mayo is very solid for neurology in general, and the neuro peds program in Fl is good. I'd assume the one in Minnesota (if they have it) would also be great. I wish I could help you more, but I don't know much about child neurology.

Good luck!
Mayo is very solid for neurology in general, and the neuro peds program in Fl is good. I'd assume the one in Minnesota (if they have it) would also be great. I wish I could help you more, but I don't know much about child neurology.

Good luck!
Oh awesome, I'll look into the Minnesota program. Thank you for your reply!
I know nothing about programs in the midwest, but my advice would be to do an away at whichever program you're most interested in. That being said, you can check out the current child neuro residency application spreadsheet to see what people who did apply to those programs thought about them, if they filled in the interview impressions tab.