Classes to take in high school


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Dec 29, 2016
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I'm currently a freshman and I need help deciding which math and science courses to take.

I don't have too many spots for classes since I'll be taking dental academic courses in junior and senior year which takes up two class periods.

This is what I have currently:
9th grade - Algebra 2 and biology ( no APs allowed for 9th graders at my school)
10th grade - chemistry, pre-calc, AP stats possibly?
11th grade- AP physics, AP biology & not sure about math
12th grade- Human anatomy & not sure about math yet

Are there classes I should or shouldn't take?
If so, what classes do you recommend?
Should I take AP bio or AP chem and is AP stats is really worth taking?

Thanks so much in advance!

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AP bio is hit or miss but if you get credit = worth it
AP chem -> same but it is tougher = I still say worth it
AP stats is worth it but I'm of the opinion that it's more useful once you've had a calc course. So maybe take AP calc AB (or BC) junior year and stats senior year.
This might not be a popular opinion here but I don't think AP Chem or AP Bio are worth it if you're primarily interested in credit. Many professional programs won't consider them and you'll have to take more difficult classes that'll hurt your GPA in undergrad. I say knock out your social sciences/humanities with AP classes in high school.
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This might not be a popular opinion here but I don't think AP Chem or AP Bio are worth it if you're primarily interested in credit. Many professional programs won't consider them and you'll have to take more difficult classes that'll hurt your GPA in undergrad. I say knock out your social sciences/humanities with AP classes in high school.
Totally agree with this, many med schools don't take AP bio and some don't take AP chem. For sure do AP stats & AP calc AB, maybe AP Psych & AP english or related, possibly AP physics.
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Oh my gosh please save yourself the sanity and do not overload on insane classes already. You are what... 15? Be a kid! I PROMISE you that you will be plenty stressed come exam weeks in college, and then of course your entire time throughout med school. Please please please don't become a robot that never had any meaningful life experiences outside of a classroom...

That said, foundation science is of course vital to success, but I'd wager that any local CC will get you a better knowledge base than your HS AP classes. And, quite frankly, the material will be more meaningful to you as you get older. Just my $0.02 (I know you will almost certainly ignore it lol).
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Take the APs for the gpa boost. Do not waive the class they substitute for in college.

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I haven't taken AP bio, so I can't really comment on it, but I have taken AP chem. AP chem is hard in that the concepts can be very abstract at times (and you cover an incredible amount of material throughout the course).

In regards to math, I would say you should 100% take AP Calc (if your school offers the course); I'm enrolled in calc BC at the moment and calculus has definitely been my favorite math course!! Calc is definitely worth taking for the problem-solving skills alone, in my opinion.