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Jun 23, 2024
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Hi there, I'm a 3rd year student at St. George's University and we spend our fourth year at a partner school in the US, so I have to decide on which one I would like to apply for very soon! I know that clinical rotations are daunting and all have very long hours with little/no work-life balance, but I'm hoping that someone would have any insight into if certain schools are better/worse than others in this aspect. Like I said, I know they all require a lot, but I've heard horror stories about certain programs and would really like to go somewhere where students are treated well (not just as free labor) and where they have overall had a good fourth year experience. My list right now is Kansas State, Virginia-Maryland, Tennessee, & UGA. Could anyone share their clinical year experiences from any of these schools? Would you recommend them or advise against any? Also, what was the grading scheme for each for rotations (i.e. pass/fail vs traditional letter grade)? Thank you!!

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I'm an SGU grad that did 4th year at Tennessee, and absolutely loved it! The hospital overall had a really positive environment, and everyone there teaching from faculty to house officers to technicians were so kind. They also really made us island kids feel like part of the normal class, and there was never really any distinction between us, which I think is huge. It was a grind for sure, but I think it was within reason and not to the extreme as other places can be. All this being said, I did my rotations from 2017-2018 so things may be different now, but I hope not!

ETA: Forgot to answer the grading question. They did standard letter grades at that time, but not sure how it is now.