COMLEX cut off scores

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May 7, 2016
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Does anyone know any stats on what type of scores are required to match to certain DO residencies? It seems there are websites galore matching USMLE scores to MD residencies, but not a shred of information on COMLEX scores and DO residencies.

I know that at the end of the day its all about who you know and your audition rotation or whatever, but come on, if you're scoring a 500 on COMLEX, you can pretty much kiss dermatology and similar high competitive residencies goodbye right?

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It seems in my experience that above 550 usually qualifies you for everything by numbers alone, as in I haven't seen a program with a requirement over 550. That being said, I haven't looked into a ton of competitive programs so I could be wrong. And even though the minimum is 550, it doesn't mean a 558 has a solid chance. For example, in ortho, a 558 score better be coming to auditions as a baller because you are competing against people with 700-800 board scores. I imagine the same with other competitive specialties.
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It's all about odds. Don't have unrealistic expectations. Can people match ortho, uro,ent,nsg, derm with 550? Yes. But your chances are probably less than 10%. There are people with 700+ each year that don't get spots in those fields.

Also, the scores are going up, up, up. A 600 used to be 90-92nd percentile like 6 or 7 years ago and now it's like 83rd or so. I forget the actual numbers but nbome publishes them and you get the idea.

If you want to give yourself better than coin flip odds for ENT, derm, nsg, uro, and maybe ortho (a lot more spots in aoa match) then you should shoot for 650+.

Everyone thinks they will rock out their audition rotations. Just doesn't happen.
The subspecialty surgeries are pretty tough. At my program, average COMLEX of this year's incoming interns was ~700. That's not the story everywhere, but at the most desirable AOA programs, expect to find really steep competition. As a side note, it's interesting that every year people talk about applicants with >700 not matching. Unless you blow it on your rotation/interview or are unwilling to apply broadly, with high scores you should match somewhere. Just be a team player, know your stuff, and work hard. Most of all be normal and decent.
Its either going to be >550 for most fields or >600 for the particularly competitive ones. In general, you really should be aiming for above 500 (average this last year was readjusted to 511 I believe) even if you're interested in the least competitive fields.

You can also check the AOA GME match report that is basically like charting outcomes, but the last one released was in 2014.

Yeah, this shows that they periodically readjust averages. A 511 in 2014-2015 is 43rd percentile whereas a 511 in 2015-2016 is 50th percentile. They adjust it every 4-5 yrs or so and we were told it would be adjusted this last year. They try to keep the average around 500.
500 soft-cutoff for the "academic DO programs," think doctor's in columbus
600 for competitive specialities, think ortho, derm, etc

Anything above 600 puts you in the fight for a spot. There are enough anecdotal matches that most DO programs take students with below average board scores due to a good rotation and showing face. I know many people that have less than 500 and matched into solid programs.
COMLEX cut off... jeans?

"He must workout."

Summer 2016.

Get some.
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