I feel like I keep saying the same thing and seems like this is one interpretation of the consensus, but I definitely see the value in residency. However, I also see value in not doing it if you can be successful without it, you'd save a few years and net an extra 500k and I could have close to a 7 figure net worth in the same time that I'd finish 6 years of training if I saved.
The way I see it, there's minor but not major harm in doing 1-2 years of consulting after med school. If I get cut or I don't like it, I'm not too far removed from med school to be competitive for residency. If I like and I get really good exit offers, then signs are that I'll do well without residency and I saved myself 3-6 years and started earning real money at a younger age. I see some but no significant downside in giving the consulting world a try before ultimately making the final decision 1-2 years after graduation of quitting medicine for good or not. The added benefit of consulting first vs residency first, is that I'd go into residency set on doing IM and leaving asap in 3 years. Through consulting though, I could get added clarity that a fellowship or non-IM residency might be a better option for me, and I could end up doing that. Especially since I'm pretty certain that rotations are just going to point me towards IM and no fellowship at this rate. If I do end up coming back to residency later, I lost a couple of years but I'm young and didn't gap year anyways so it's not the end of the world plus I gained valuable personal experience.