Cooled RF cannula

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15+ Year Member
Oct 23, 2005
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For those of you who do cooled RF, are there just the 10cm length cannulae?

I have a morbidly obese patient who needed a 7 inch needle to do L4-L5,L5-S1 facet injections. I’ve done this twice and both times they had 80% relief for 6 weeks.

Patient needs RFA , but no way can I get there with a traditional RF needle. Thinking of sending the patient to local university for cooled RFA, but unless cooled RFA can come in a 15cm cannula, I don’t think it will reach. Even the 15cm, direct perpendicular approach would be pushing it.

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For those of you who do cooled RF, are there just the 10cm length cannulae?

I have a morbidly obese patient who needed a 7 inch needle to do L4-L5,L5-S1 facet injections. I’ve done this twice and both times they had 80% relief for 6 weeks.

Patient needs RFA , but no way can I get there with a traditional RF needle. Thinking of sending the patient to local university for cooled RFA, but unless cooled RFA can come in a 15cm cannula, I don’t think it will reach. Even the 15cm, direct perpendicular approach would be pushing it.
They make 15 cm too, but if you needed most of the 7 inch for facets then that’d be a nonstarter.
We had a similar patient, but coolief is not the answer. You can get longer normal RF cannulas, but usually only in higher gauge straight needles.