Countdown until December 1st

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You guys are stressing me more than I've stressed myself lol..

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Wishing all of you the best of luck. Look forward to reading all of your acceptances tomorrow! You're all in my thoughts. :xf:
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*bites nails in Spanish*

Hahahahaha this really made my day thanks, currently I am in anatomy lecture not listening to anything and reading this thread :). Hopefully I wont have to worry too much about this class after tomorrow....
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How are you guys handling the anxiety? My stomach is in knots and it feels like the morning of my DAT, except the wait is longer....

I was in my jewelry class making chains and soon as I was about to solder, my right hand started shaking uncontrollably, and wouldn't stop for an hour. I've never been this nervous before.

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So assuming you get accepted, how do you guys plan on telling your family and friends?
With all the drama of the "Check back December 1st" status updates, I was kind of relieved that I didn't have any of my schools update with that. Today I checked and my top choice had updated from interview to check back. I panicked a little bit.
still dont get what the check back status update means for the applicant..good or bad?
still dont get what the check back status update means for the applicant..good or bad?

It doesn't mean anything in particular. It is an update available for adcoms to use, but some elect to use it while others choose not to.

This is the way I understand it, but it is not a fact.
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So assuming you get accepted, how do you guys plan on telling your family and friends?
Calling them (and probably crying over the phone) since I go to a college in a different state.
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So assuming you get accepted, how do you guys plan on telling your family and friends?

sadly I have to wait at least 4 more years.... hahahaha jk, I might just walk downstairs give my mom and dad a hug and tell them thank you. *trying not to cry*
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Not December 1 yet, but I got my first Application Denied on the AADSAS portal today
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So assuming you get accepted, how do you guys plan on telling your family and friends?

Going to make breakfast for my parents, print out the acceptance letter from my school of choice and put it under the plate with the pancakes.
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You guys can all watch the apicoectomy I'm assisting on later- one of the few times I'm happy not to be in college anymore, work doesn't let me think about the countdown too much! :confused::dead:
Yoo, we had one of those a couple weeks ago!
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So assuming you get accepted, how do you guys plan on telling your family and friends?
I have something in mind. I just have to wait for acceptance first. haha Might hold out on parents until Christmas.
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Serious question. So I see that Buffalo sent something via ups my choice. Does anyone know what this could be? Does Buffalo send out both acceptances and rejections via ups? Thanks
Eating my anxiety and feelings away right now.

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How are you guys handling the anxiety? My stomach is in knots and it feels like the morning of my DAT, except the wait is longer....
Currently sitting in my car eating Reeses Christmas Trees about to head into my strength and conditioning class. So there's that.
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definitely taking z-quil tonight so I can sleep since the school I interviewed at doesn't send emails until the morning
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Edit: Anyone else getting ads on this vid asking "Want to become a dentist?"
I have something in mind. I just have to wait for acceptance first. haha Might hold out on parents until Christmas.

That's what I was thinking, I'm sorta bad at hiding secrets though....

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I was totally chilled out, laying on the ground in the line for the student section seats for IU vs UNC, then I just had to get on here and read all this BS about UPS Mychoice and my mind is racing.
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Life feels like a huge mannequin challenge right now...

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I'm not kidding, I think I'm having fever :confused: why me?:depressed:
My body feels so weird
Good luck all!!
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Guys I just saw Kyle schwarber at the iu game
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I wonder if it good luck for us to floss our teeth?
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To sleep or not to sleep that is the question. :mask::shrug:
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Hey guys, first time I've logged onto SDN in about 2 months! Feeling kinda nervous but I've been working 2 jobs so it's taken my mind off for the past several weeks ;)

Waiting to hear back from 4 schools (UMN, UNLV, ASDOH, USC) but hopefully we all get good news in the next 18 hours or so!
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To sleep or not to sleep that is the question. :mask::shrug:

My gf bought my sleeping pills just for tonight because I was up till 4 am last night just looking at past sdn acceptances. Lol
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I work for an endodontist, so we do a bunch! It's basically that or root canals. This one was draining so bad blech. What's the coolest thing you've seen chairside?
Alveoplasty. So. Much. Blood.
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6 hours, 0 minutes.
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5 hours 59 mins
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