Critique my plan please?

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Hey everyone,

It's finally time for me to take the MCAT and I'm both excited and very intimidated. I really, really need to crush the MCAT. I've read a lot on this board and I've come up with the following general plan...I would very much appreciate fresh sets of eyes giving me feedback. Thanks!

Phase I: December 19-January 23 ~ 5 weeks
Materials: TBR full set, TPRH workbook, KA psych/social.
I plan on going through all of the TBR material while also working on CARS and psych. I also want to use ANKI to build a base of knowledge (kind of intimidated by the program and wondering if it's worth it.)

I plan of studying 6-8 hours a day from Mon-Thur, using Fri as a test day of sorts, and Sat/Sun to lightly review what I've learned that week. I also work on Saturday and Sunday, so I can only devote an hour or two those days.

Phase II: End of January-Middle of March ~ 6 weeks
Materials: EK full set, Next Step FLs
I've heard TBR is very dense and good for foundation, while EK is very streamlined and good for review, so I figure doing the full EK set after doing the full TBR set will cover all bases. I hope it's not overkill...I'm really not confident in my base knowledge and don't want to leave any stone unturned. Throughout these 6 weeks, my schedule should be similar to Phase I, except I'll take a full length (EK/NS) every Friday and review it on Sat/Sun after work. I also plan on continuing CARS practice and reviewing ANKI daily.

Phase III: Middle of March- Test day April 28th.
Materials: All AAMC materials.
I plan on getting the full AAMC bundle and doing mainly practice and little content review (maybe just reviewing my ANKI decks) til test day. Again, schedule should be similar to the other phases.

I'm mainly concerned that I'm taking on too much material, or studying too long (5 months). I've very prone to burnout, so I know I will have to manage myself very very carefully. I will also be taking Biochemistry and working on weekends. It's definitely going to suck not having a weekend off for so many months, but after the MCAT I'll be done and free for my gap year, so I hope I can survive. It's definitely the most challenging and daunting thing I have ever done, but I have read many inspiring stories on here of people studying for even longer, or doing even more in less time.

I hope my plan is reasonable and doable...I'd love any feedback at all on materials, timing, scheduling, or really anything at all.

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Your plan looks good, but there's no reason to do TBR and EK, that's overkill. Choose one, and although I didn't use EK, I would recommend TBR. They do a great job of explaining and they have a ton of practice problems. If you don't feel like you have a firm grasp, watch the corresponding video on khan academy. I would also advise adding more practice tests, and adding them earlier. I used next step for extra practice tests which I thought were pretty good.

EDIT: Didn't see you already planned to start with NS practice tests. Looks good!
I have a similar opinion as redsox 93; using both is overkill. If you are not confident in the material I would go with TBR and spend the whole 11 weeks on that. Also, I would start FLs earlier, how many to do is a tough question but most people would say around 10 to be the best prepared and doing 1 a week is fine. I would say NS 1-5, TPR free test, AAMC 3 FLS would be enough and if you want more spend some money on EK FLs.
I have almost the same timeline. I want to ask if Doing all Phase I and then Phase II and then PhaseIII would be better or mixing all three phases like most study plan on SDN suggest.
As far as FL, I have made a plan to use about 15 of them.
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Your plan looks good, but there's no reason to do TBR and EK, that's overkill. Choose one, and although I didn't use EK, I would recommend TBR. They do a great job of explaining and they have a ton of practice problems. If you don't feel like you have a firm grasp, watch the corresponding video on khan academy. I would also advise adding more practice tests, and adding them earlier. I used next step for extra practice tests which I thought were pretty good.

EDIT: Didn't see you already planned to start with NS practice tests. Looks good!

I have a similar opinion as redsox 93; using both is overkill. If you are not confident in the material I would go with TBR and spend the whole 11 weeks on that. Also, I would start FLs earlier, how many to do is a tough question but most people would say around 10 to be the best prepared and doing 1 a week is fine. I would say NS 1-5, TPR free test, AAMC 3 FLS would be enough and if you want more spend some money on EK FLs.

Thanks for the replies! Much appreciated. I'm now considering dropping the full EK set...that was the thing I was most iffy on. I have this thing where I want to use everything! I know at the back of my mind that less is more.

So if I were to drop the EK set, should I lessen my studying to 4 months (could use a small break after a grueling Fall semester), or keep up the tempo and do a double-pass on the TBR material? In other words, how can I really maximize TBR?

I will also still get the EK CARS book and take their FLs as I've heard very good things about them. So that would be the full TBR set, KA for P/S and maybe some CARS passages, TPRH workbook and EK CARS, the EK, TPR and NS FLs, and all the AAMC material. Is there anything I'm missing?
I would consider maximizing TBR by only going through it once, see what you are weak on with practice tests and going back and reviewing some key topics. Besides that I don't see anything missing, best of luck!