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10+ Year Member
Jul 18, 2011
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Hi Everyone,
I was just wondering if any of the current DVM students are in CSU's DVM/MBA program. I just received an "alternate" status and i'm not sure what my chances are of getting into CSU's regular DVM program then.

Also, just another quick question I have had on my mind lately- is it possible to defer acceptance to a school for a year?

Thanks for your help.

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Congratulations on the alternate status! I'm not sure about your chances in that particular program, but I know three people that were alternates last year that ended up being offered spots in the regular DVM program. I think your chances are pretty good.
As far as deferring acceptance some schools will let you such as Western, and some schools won't such as CSU. So if you do get offered a spot at CSU you have to take the fact that you will have to reapply next year with a whole new pool of applicants into consideration before you regect the offer.