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7+ Year Member
Jun 25, 2016
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seriously all of my time has been put on the stupid QR section i cant take it. its disgusting i hate it soooooooo BAD words cannot explain. i find myself spending 4 hours to do ONE destroyer test. then i get to bootcamp and get 14-15 on this section. i don't know what else to do I'm literally taking away time from my studies to do just math.. my test is in like 2.5 weeks dude wtf do i do. all i want is like 17/18 in QR but even that seems impossible at this point !!!!!!!!!!

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I hate QR just as much as you do, but I'm up to about test # 8 in math destroyer and I feel a lot better about QR now than I did when I first started studying it. Taking 4 hours is not a long time to do 1 destroyer test, because you're learning from the solutions rather than trying to time yourself. I also take about 4-5 hours to finish a destroyer test. 14-15 on BC is not bad btw right now, it's pretty good if you're just starting. You'll get better at it if you keep going through math destroyer, as the questions are all fairly similar. Try and finish all of the book or at least most of it and that should bring you to at least 18 or 19 on your timed BC tests, and probably even higher on the real thing.
Breathe! Just breathe. In. Out. Whewwwwwwwwwww. Two and a half weeks is plenty of time to improve! I did most of my studying in the last 3 weeks. Don't worry about timing yourself in math for Bootcamp initially. Just try to understand how to solve the problems, carefully read the solutions, and take notes on what you don't understand. Then once you feel a little more comfortable, time yourself. The QR section of the DAT is all about being time efficient.
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I gave up on math destroyer after 2 tests and got some 19s on bootcamp tests, but a 16 in the last one before my DAT. I was able to get a 21 on QR section. Just try to relax and not go nuts about your practice scores. Just keep learning every day. I found the actual QR section very manageable
For the most part, the QR section can be broken down into types of questions. Find out which "types" you are getting wrong and focus on the approach to solving these.

Example. Once you see a question talking about "John does this in 30 minutes, while Paul does this in 1 hour, etc.", you know it's going to be a question about rates and time. Set up an appropriate equation, and solve.
seriously all of my time has been put on the stupid QR section i cant take it. its disgusting i hate it soooooooo BAD words cannot explain. i find myself spending 4 hours to do ONE destroyer test. then i get to bootcamp and get 14-15 on this section. i don't know what else to do I'm literally taking away time from my studies to do just math.. my test is in like 2.5 weeks dude wtf do i do. all i want is like 17/18 in QR but even that seems impossible at this point !!!!!!!!!!
First of all, don't freak out too much about destroyer scores as all of the sections are meant to be challenging and to push you. You need to work through the problems and figure out which problems you keep missing. If you have certain subjects you need to work on, then you can watch videos or do research on that particular topic.

I started at around 20 on my practice tests and Destroyer tests and ended up with a 30 on the actual DAT, so it ia possible to improve. If you come across a problwm and need help worki g it out, feel free to pm me.
For me Math Destroyer is easier to finish than Bootcamp lol I like never finish Bootcamp with more than 1-2 minutes to spare
To be honest Student doctor is a great resource when you start your DAT studying, but a horrible place to be in your last 3 weeks until DAT because it sets that mindset of " Not ready" or "No more time left" because you see all these forum posts with great scores. I would recommend getting off the forums for now and try to finish around 8-10 tests for DAT destroyer MATH( for me I did 10 and I feel rather comfortable with it). Lastly, it's really important to go over your mistakes since that is an another learning process.
For the most part, the QR section can be broken down into types of questions. Find out which "types" you are getting wrong and focus on the approach to solving these.

Example. Once you see a question talking about "John does this in 30 minutes, while Paul does this in 1 hour, etc.", you know it's going to be a question about rates and time. Set up an appropriate equation, and solve.

I wholeheartedly agree with this advice.

Sure, there will be different types on your actual DAT but there will definitely be many of the types you will have studied via bootcamp and destroyer.

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