DAT retake 3rd Attempt

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2+ Year Member
Jul 30, 2020
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I would love advice on what studying resource to use for my third attempt!

1st attempt: 2021 used DAT Bootcamp, Chad's Prep. score breakdown: AA:16,TS: 17,PAT: 16,QR:13,RC:16,BIO:16,GC: 16,OC: 17.

- I was def not ready this attempt, I rescheduled countless times and just wanted to get it over with. My studying time was like 2 month intervals every 6 month in other words I was not very consistent! This was very dumb and a waste of money but I mainly used DAT bootcamp every time I purchased the program. I took the exam while still being in school (my last semester). I never thought I could score this low but I totally see how or why this occurred. I knew I just needed to be consistent and not have any distractions for my second attempt.

2nd attempt: 2022 used DAT Booster and had about 5-6 months focused on studying on just the DAT as I graduated from my undergrad at this point. I felt CONFIDENT, I was scoring 23+ on nearly every section on the practice exams leading up-to the exam. Also, towards the last couple months of my studying, I would also use the free version of DAT Bootcamp for more practice questions. I used the daily warmup and random questions that were available for free I really thought this was my last attempt... until I got my score. My score: AA:18, TS:18,PAT:18,QR: 16,RC:21,BIO:20,GC:16,OC:17. In certain sections I definitely did a bit better but mostly exactly the same (GC/OC). This was heartbreaking as I was expecting 25+ score in most sections. My test anxiety was through the roof as it was my second time taking the exam and I could not sleep the night before. In addition, the morning of the exam I couldn't even eat, I had to force food down my throat while feeling extremely nauseous. But once I started the exam I was able to calm down and continue with taking the exam and I felt good about all the sections expect QR. Then I received my score and immediately felt so defeated and did not want to ever go through studying and taking the DAT again. So I decided to apply with this score and hope for the best but I received no interviews (shocker lol).

So here I am again going to take the exam for the 3rd time 🙂. At this point I feel like I have nothing to lose to try again. Like I know I want to become a dentist and I know I'll get there 🙂... might take a bit longer but thats okay!

Any recommendations on different resources for DAT studying? DAT Booster was solid for me with BIO and RC so I plan on just using my old flashcards and methods.

I know Booster and Bootcamp update their programs so I wonder if I should just go with one of them again but I really don't want to do this again and it makes me anxious studying using the same programs again because I feel like I would just get the same scores. Because when I say I was CONFIDENT my second attempt, I mean that with like everything lol. In conclusion, my biggest issues are with general chemistry, organic chemistry, and PAT. QR at this point I just hope for the best because getting a 16 for me was a miracle lol.

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I used Bootcamp, focused early on relearning concepts then transitioned into primarily taking the full-length exams and reviewing those in detail. Don't change what isn't broken, if your methods work keep them for bio, RC, etc. If you're scoring 23+ you should be in a good position when you take the exam. Test-day anxiety might be the culprit. Be abundantly confident that you can score above a 17 in every section before you use this final retake.
If you were studying for 5-6 months and still didn’t really break 20+AA then something isn’t quite right with your study methods. I think you’ve gotta change things up. If you really hammer down studying you should be able to get away with 3 months of studying. PAT can be increased simply by repetition and multiple practice problems. OC you just have to memorize key reactants and chemicals and there really isn’t any way to beat around the bush. You’ve just gotta really memorize your stuff. GenChem is difficult since it can be relatively broad with the types of questions. I would focus on things you don’t understand and work on more practice problems. There are a lot of good resources on YouTube.

I used Kaplan and that was good enough for me, but for most it’s not ideal and costs a lot of money. But there’s other good resources you can use. I would browse some of the threads in the DAT section and go over people who scored 23+ and see what they were doing/using. You may get some insight and helpful tips.

The DAT isn’t easy, don’t let it discourage you! If you want to be a dentist, make it happen. Put your head down and keep grinding!
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The most positive piece is that you had some real good improvenent on the second attempt. This shows you are capable, and likely just need to stay disciplined

Go over chads videos again for orgo. Learn the techniques inside and out and practice orgo more often than other sections you did well on. Same for gen chem.

If booster worked better then that may be the best resource for you. Bootcamp was really good for me. Bottom line you need to make it a goal to get through as many questions as possible. Review every single one that you missed and the explanation behind it. Bootcamp has mike's videos which help a lot with orgo.

Take 2-3 practice DATs before your due date. Don't focus so much on the score. Focus on relaxing and using your strategies to complete sections on time. It goes a long way on your actual attempt. Then review your missed answers and the explanations.

Pick a time when you can study for a solid 2-2.5 months. Regardless of whether it's difficult or not, it's not an excuse anymore. Either you want to be a dentist or you don't. Life will always be moving on. This was a hard lesson I had to learn. There's not always a golden opportunity (like time off for months) for everyone, and you could easily end up in my position where you end up with less time on the next attempt. Sacrifice and make the score. You definitely can.

It's risky but you likely need to make a hard deadline for yourself. Delaying the test may be causing you to slack more on top of the extra prolinged stress. Just a thought.

I look forward to a positive update. Crush it.

I would love advice on what studying resource to use for my third attempt!

1st attempt: 2021 used DAT Bootcamp, Chad's Prep. score breakdown: AA:16,TS: 17,PAT: 16,QR:13,RC:16,BIO:16,GC: 16,OC: 17.

- I was def not ready this attempt, I rescheduled countless times and just wanted to get it over with. My studying time was like 2 month intervals every 6 month in other words I was not very consistent! This was very dumb and a waste of money but I mainly used DAT bootcamp every time I purchased the program. I took the exam while still being in school (my last semester). I never thought I could score this low but I totally see how or why this occurred. I knew I just needed to be consistent and not have any distractions for my second attempt.

2nd attempt: 2022 used DAT Booster and had about 5-6 months focused on studying on just the DAT as I graduated from my undergrad at this point. I felt CONFIDENT, I was scoring 23+ on nearly every section on the practice exams leading up-to the exam. Also, towards the last couple months of my studying, I would also use the free version of DAT Bootcamp for more practice questions. I used the daily warmup and random questions that were available for free I really thought this was my last attempt... until I got my score. My score: AA:18, TS:18,PAT:18,QR: 16,RC:21,BIO:20,GC:16,OC:17. In certain sections I definitely did a bit better but mostly exactly the same (GC/OC). This was heartbreaking as I was expecting 25+ score in most sections. My test anxiety was through the roof as it was my second time taking the exam and I could not sleep the night before. In addition, the morning of the exam I couldn't even eat, I had to force food down my throat while feeling extremely nauseous. But once I started the exam I was able to calm down and continue with taking the exam and I felt good about all the sections expect QR. Then I received my score and immediately felt so defeated and did not want to ever go through studying and taking the DAT again. So I decided to apply with this score and hope for the best but I received no interviews (shocker lol).

So here I am again going to take the exam for the 3rd time 🙂. At this point I feel like I have nothing to lose to try again. Like I know I want to become a dentist and I know I'll get there 🙂... might take a bit longer but thats okay!

Any recommendations on different resources for DAT studying? DAT Booster was solid for me with BIO and RC so I plan on just using my old flashcards and methods.

I know Booster and Bootcamp update their programs so I wonder if I should just go with one of them again but I really don't want to do this again and it makes me anxious studying using the same programs again because I feel like I would just get the same scores. Because when I say I was CONFIDENT my second attempt, I mean that with like everything lol. In conclusion, my biggest issues are with general chemistry, organic chemistry, and PAT. QR at this point I just hope for the best because getting a 16 for me was a miracle lol.
I definitely agree with what a lot of people have been saying so far. It seems like you made some improvement from try one to try two, and I suspect that's because you had some more familiarity with the content going in for the second time. I think this is also the key to improving even more and breaking 20+ in all of the sections--you really need to hammer down your content review and known what you need to know to answer questions. You've already used BC and Booster, so might as well use whatever resources you have remaining from them as well, but I'm not sure if reusing either of the programs will serve you on the next retake. I will always swear by the DAT Destroyer, and by the looks of it, the Math Destroyer would also be really helpful for you. They are really big on content review rather than verbatim answering questions and moving on. The associated free materials (YouTube videos, Dynamite Bio Review, etc.) are good to help with some of that knowledge base too, in addition to anything you've accumulated from the last two tries.

I really think you have a lot looking positive for your third retake, but you have to identify what went wrong in the first two. Get a full knowledge base down before you go and answer tons of questions. It's also a marathon, not a sprint - if you need to take the exam in August and apply a bit later this cycle, do it! Just make sure you study hard and figure out exactly what went wrong the last two times.

Best of luck!
I am suprised that you never used DAT destroyer and solved his questions and read the notes for his bio
I used bootcamp but along with dat destroyer and that's why I scored 24 on sciences.
Bootcamp alone was good for practice and I loved Chad videos and also the videos on bootcamp, but dat destroyer explanations and questions and especially the bio notes helped me so much!
Keep your head up! It seems in this case its not the resources, its the approach to the process. How you learn, memorize, and apply the information is critical. Even more importantly, how you analyze your mistakes afterwards to make ever-forward progress is the most over-looked skill. That's how you get your practice scores to actualize on the DAT. If you just change the resource, you run a very high risk of not achieving the outcome you're looking for. Focus on the approach.
Keep practicing, one day you will achieve your goal surely.