DAT Study schedule

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Apr 24, 2016
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Does anyone know how much time I should ideally spend prepping for the DAT. Unfortunately, I currently work full time so I have to fit my study time in either at the beginning or the end of my day. I am thinking at least 4 hours a day for 3-4 months would be ideal. Does anyone have any input/ feedback on what sort of study schedule they followed successfully, whilst having other obligations as well?

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That's essentially what I am doing (writing August 15th). While I wish I could just take an entire summer off to study, that isn't really an option for me unfortunately.

Will let you know how it goes lol
Does anyone know how much time I should ideally spend prepping for the DAT. Unfortunately, I currently work full time so I have to fit my study time in either at the beginning or the end of my day. I am thinking at least 4 hours a day for 3-4 months would be ideal. Does anyone have any input/ feedback on what sort of study schedule they followed successfully, whilst having other obligations as well?
I had school for most of my studying. Just follow a regimen and dedicate time each day you're able to for the DAT. If you have 3-4 months, you'll have plenty of time. GL!
I had school for most of my studying. Just follow a regimen and dedicate time each day you're able to for the DAT. If you have 3-4 months, you'll have plenty of time. GL!
Thanks, just hoping I'll be able to manage with everything else that I have going on in life. If not, I might just push the test back. I want to make sure I crush it!