Dating as a pharmacist

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What is a Type-A gunner wife?

Duh, it's a woman with a concealed weapons permit and a higher rate of heart attacks than the norm.

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Me too! I'm hoping to meet some guys in the med or dental school in the fall!

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lol Im single in pharmacy school, and a lot of girls are looking for a relationship, Yes, most of the guys and girls are taken! I dont know if I get into a relationship, would it get in between my studies? Im asian... so my parents are against me dating...
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I can't believe this thread was buried on the 3rd page.
Me too! I'm hoping to meet some guys in the med or dental school in the fall!

You usually find a mate in unusual places and when least expecting it.

Some people just want to marry regardless so that they can gain validation from their peers, no love or emotion involved!!! To actively set a criteria of a med or dental student is a bit crass. My cousin is a dentist and is madly in love with her car mechanic boyfriend. Good on her.

Anyway they should start a dating page on SDN so that all us "like minded" adults could maybe get together :-D
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Do girls dig pharmacists?

Wonder if it is harder for female pharmacists to date or male pharmacists?
Seems like there are a lot of girls in my pharmacy school, but most of them have a boyfriend already... ugh. Its like being in the ocean and needing a drink of fresh water but there is nothing to drink.
What I've seen in my (admittedly short) time here is that relationships in school are nothing but trabble. Good thing I avoided that pitfall, huh?

You usually find a mate in unusual places and when least expecting it.

Some people just want to marry regardless so that they can gain validation from their peers, no love or emotion involved!!! To actively set a criteria of a med or dental student is a bit crass. My cousin is a dentist and is madly in love with her car mechanic boyfriend. Good on her.

Anyway they should start a dating page on SDN so that all us "like minded" adults could maybe get together :-D

You mean like the lounge?
Shnurek, could you post slightly smaller images? Like, ones that fit on our screens? ;)

Lol that would decrease my effectiveness as a troll now wouldn't it :)
Good men are invisible. They go to work (or school). Then they go to the gym. Then they order food to take out and eat at home. This process is repeated the next day. The "right guys" don't go to clubs or bars on a regular basis. You're more likely to find them at something "boring" like church, a library, volunteering, or playing video games with their buddies.
So true
Nice necro-post we've got going on here.
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