December 1st anxiety

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Apr 29, 2016
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So december 1st is not close seeing as this is just the beginning of october, but these past couple of weeks I've been having so much anxiety and panic attacks because of it. Having had a couple of interviews by now, it's killing me not knowing whether I'll be accepted to my top choices or where I'm going to end up living for the next four years. For those that have already gone through this (and those going through it with me right now), how did you handle the stress and uncertainty? I honestly would like to be able to go at least just one day without thinking about this or sneaking during work to check SDN or AADSAS. 🙁

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So december 1st is not close seeing as this is just the beginning of october, but these past couple of weeks I've been having so much anxiety and panic attacks because of it. Having had a couple of interviews by now, it's killing me not knowing whether I'll be accepted to my top choices or where I'm going to end up living for the next four years. For those that have already gone through this (and those going through it with me right now), how did you handle the stress and uncertainty? I honestly would like to be able to go at least just one day without thinking about this or sneaking during work to check SDN or AADSAS. 🙁
A lot of people get anxious about admissions, but what you're describing is not normal. I really think you should consider talking to a professional about this.
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Relax. I got my dec 1st call but I was busy with schools and having fun that I did not think of dec 1 till the day of....don't waste time getting anxious. Have fun now before dental schools comes around.
Think of it this way: your fate is probably already decided by now. From reading your past posts I have a feeling that you'll receive multiple offers on Dec 1st.
That's true. I try to tell myself that all the interviews are in the past now and not to think about it anymore but man it's hard. Thanks for your kind words!
A lot of people get anxious about admissions, but what you're describing is not normal. I really think you should consider talking to a professional about this.
I would agree with you that it's not normal if I didn't know that this will all be over when december 1st is over and I know that my past years of hard work actually paid off. lol
I would agree with you that it's not normal if I didn't know that this will all be over when december 1st is over and I know that my past years of hard work actually paid off. lol
Yes, but one would think that having an accurate understanding of your high qualification for admission in addition to the knowledge that your uncertainty is only temporary would be enough to quell most of your anxiety. The fact that you're reporting significant anxiety and panic attacks (which is definitely not normal) to us in spite of this knowledge indicates that the stress of the application process may be causing a deeper-seated issue to manifest which will not disappear on December 1st. Look, I'm no psychologist, but my instincts are telling me that the best way to handle your situation might be to talk to one.

But otherwise, if it's bothering you that much and you're on SDN all the time, maybe you should delete your account, erase any browser shortcuts to the AADSAS website, etc.

Also, try hanging out with people who have no knowledge of or interest in the dental school application process. That might help keep your mind away from it.
So december 1st is not close seeing as this is just the beginning of october, but these past couple of weeks I've been having so much anxiety and panic attacks because of it. Having had a couple of interviews by now, it's killing me not knowing whether I'll be accepted to my top choices or where I'm going to end up living for the next four years. For those that have already gone through this (and those going through it with me right now), how did you handle the stress and uncertainty? I honestly would like to be able to go at least just one day without thinking about this or sneaking during work to check SDN or AADSAS. 🙁
I definitely understand where you're coming from. Even with a few interviews, you still have that lingering fear that you won't get accepted. I'm having the same thoughts but I'm sure we both did great on our interviews and the best thing to do is to look forward and focus on doing well on future interviews. 🙂
I think the best tool I’ve used for easing any anxiety surrounding December 1st is realizing that the application cycle doesn’t end on December 1st. In a sense, it is almost like the cycle is just beginning. Schools need to see how the dust settles after their top choice students commit to school x, y, or z. There will be plenty of movement post-december 1st and plenty matriculated students have historically been accepted well past the mystical December 1st date.

It’ll work out fam.
So december 1st is not close seeing as this is just the beginning of october, but these past couple of weeks I've been having so much anxiety and panic attacks because of it. Having had a couple of interviews by now, it's killing me not knowing whether I'll be accepted to my top choices or where I'm going to end up living for the next four years. For those that have already gone through this (and those going through it with me right now), how did you handle the stress and uncertainty? I honestly would like to be able to go at least just one day without thinking about this or sneaking during work to check SDN or AADSAS. 🙁
Felt so weird posting this at first, but after I did, lots of random people messaged me letting me know that they're feeling the exact same way. Weirdly enough seeing that I'm not alone alleviated everything. It's always nice knowing that you're not alone. Thanks everyone! 🙂
trust me, i know the feeling. this is my third cycles, and it doesn't get easier each time. i wish you the best.
I feel the exact same way, and I do not have nearly the amount of interviews that you have. I just keep telling myself that I have to think positively. Take a few moments when you feel the anxiety coming on to tell yourself "YOU CAN DO THIS!", because you can and you totally have go this.
The interviewing and waiting doesn't end here. When you start applying for residency/jobs you basically start all over again. Just saw a bunch of people interviewing for the ortho program at my school, and boy was it a ton of people.
or sneaking during work to check SDN or AADSAS.
Something that I do is just focus on my job. Work hard and put as much effort into it as I can. I find that my days, nights, ect end up being consumed by performing better at work and dental school ends up being on the back burner (as if that's possible...). Anyways, this has helped keep my anxiety down because I'm keeping my mind occupied.
I feel the exact same way, and I do not have nearly the amount of interviews that you have. I just keep telling myself that I have to think positively. Take a few moments when you feel the anxiety coming on to tell yourself "YOU CAN DO THIS!", because you can and you totally have go this.
Thank you!! You've got this too! 🙂
The interviewing and waiting doesn't end here. When you start applying for residency/jobs you basically start all over again. Just saw a bunch of people interviewing for the ortho program at my school, and boy was it a ton of people.
Oh great haha joys of life to look forward to. haha
Something that I do is just focus on my job. Work hard and put as much effort into it as I can. I find that my days, nights, ect end up being consumed by performing better at work and dental school ends up being on the back burner (as if that's possible...). Anyways, this has helped keep my anxiety down because I'm keeping my mind occupied.
That's a good way to avoid it! I would try that too but my job can be high stress so we're encouraged to take lots of breaks so there's lots of time to think and internet browse. I guess some years ago someone sued them because they felt "over worked" so now they stress breaks. lol