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5+ Year Member
Jul 4, 2017
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So I am extremely conflicted in my decision of where to attend medical school for the next few years. I am debating between RWJMS and the accelerated neurosurgery program at Penn State Hershey.

I currently live in NJ about 5 mins away from RWJMS. Here, I have my family, friends, and am very familiar with the area. My best friend was also accepted with me, so we would be together. The program at penn state seems like an amazing opportunity but it is also a HUGE commitment. I would be choosing to live in hershey for the next 10 years and not sure if I know anyone in the area.

I am trying to think of every pro and con possible, but I am still conflicted. Does anyone have any ideas of what I should be looking more into/ considering/ any idea what you would do in my shoes?

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Moving to a new city where I knew no one was the best decision I’ve ever made. You’ll learn so much about yourself so quickly. It’s also incredibly stressful, and takes 6-12 months to really start feeling like you belong. I don’t know if that stress should be added to the already stressful experience of being a medical student. Also, having the support of your friends and family is important.

It’s definitley a tough choice. My sister taught me a trick once to making decisions: flip a coin. Usually when you do this, there is one side of the coin you are subconsciously hoping will win. Pick that choice, regardless of the flip results.
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For me, being close to home (Family and friends) and living where I am already comfortable is really important to me. For stickgirl, she like moving. It all depends on the type of person you are and what is important to you. Pretty cool that you would be going to school with a friend! Also, do you have a longterm plan as to where you will come after med school? Do you plan on coming back to NJ? if you do, RWJMS will give you an advantage.
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