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Mar 25, 2019
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UCR! Much Cheaper and garaunteed med school spots. Lower reputation will definitely not hold you back if your application is stellar. There’s also plenty of research opportunities at UCR. Both in basic sciences and clinical.
UCR! Much Cheaper and garaunteed med school spots. Lower reputation will definitely not hold you back if your application is stellar. There’s also plenty of research opportunities at UCR. Both in basic sciences and clinical.
Thank you, @Qrtpcr . I was looking at the numbers and here is what I found about the cost. Are there chances of getting a grant or scholarship?

UCR: $36,652 (We are still waiting on scholarship info, not sure if he will get any).
CWRU: $67,337 (he's got $20,000/year scholarship)
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With all due respect, I really encourage you to let your son pick which school genuinely seems like a better fit for him (especially if costs don’t end up being drastically different).

What is his perspective and preference?

Obviously there is a lot I don’t know about your situation, and i don’t want to make any assumptions, but also from my experience I can tell you that kids who feel controlled or heavily influenced by their parents (re: medicine) can end up encumbered and held back by these expectations.

College is a time for experimentation (and not just in orgo lab).

I just don’t want this kid going to a school his parents chose so that he can be maybe moderately better set up to pursue a career his parents chose.
I respect your input and feedback @Phoebus Apollo . It's my kid's call to pursue medicine path, looking for people view from their experience so that the kid is successful in the choice of field and the school.
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The cheaper school. These schools are both very good with many opportunities.

I don’t feel your cons for UCR are very strong. Outside of HYPSM undergrad doesn’t really matter. And clinical research isn’t super common for undergrads. The only people I know who did it had personal connections (i.e. their parents were doctors).

Also on the prestige factor for UCR, I went to a low tier state school with little if any national prestige/recognition (UCR is about 100x more recognizable than my school). It was the best choice I made in undergrad. I had every opportunity I could ask for without having to fight tooth and nail, did well in classes, had a real good time, and got into my dream med school.