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7+ Year Member
Mar 7, 2016
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Hello I just got accepted into a dental hygiene program. I'm 20. and im halfway done with my pre reqs for dental school. All i need is physics 1 and 2 and orgo 1 and 2

I plan on completing the hygiene program, and working part time. As soon as I begin working part time I'm going back to Rutgers university to complete my bachelors and pre reqs, taking my DAT and applying/going to dental school.

How easy was it to find a job after the hygiene program?
Is it part time or full time? what are your hours and pay
what was the interviewing process like?

Anyone a hygienist while going to school?

I live in NEW JERSEY

I want to move back to NYC, if I wanted to be a hygienist there would I have to take another exam?

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