DMU Class of 2007 part 01

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I got their acceptance email 10 days after my interview, and the actual paper copy came a few days later. Really efficient system! Good luck on your interview!!!

The chance to be able to move around the country is actually one of my reasons for choosing DMU. I'm not really sure where I want to be after med school, since I've spent my entire life in a very small part of California and don't have a clue what life is like elsewhere. And like Katie mentioned, it's a good opportunity to make connections at places where you'd like a residency.

On the moving note, are furnished apartments easy to come by in the area around the school?

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Gosh, it sounds like a lot of people are married going into medical school...I was just wondering how old everyone is who will be in next years class....I'm only 21, any other youngins out there? :D :p
hey docslytherin,

hope to see you this friday. it's been warm (realitively speaking) lately, so i hope it will be nice for you.


i don't know how many fully furnished apartments there are arond school. i have a friend that lives at the four seasons, and her place came furnished so you might want to contact them.

suzy q,

most of my class seems to be married or have a significant other as well. looks like the trend will continue! :)

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I also have my interview at DMU on 1/10. So I'll see you there. :) I'm pretty excited, although I'm still trying to get ahold of a student to stay with. :)
SuzyQ, I've been wondering the same thing, but wasn't sure if I should ask! I was going to hold out and see for myself. I turned 22 in November, not married, engaged, or divorced. And no kids either :p

Thanks for the info Kimberlee. I think 3000 Grand advertises furnished apartments, but I don't know how available they are. It looks like a nice place to live!
hey jennyw,

look forward to meeting you on friday as well. if you don't get hold of a student, you could always stay with my friend, who is also named jenny. she has an extra bed, so you wouldn't be sleeping on the floor. so, you're from seattle. i think one of the omm fellows that will be speaking to you guys is from washington as well. good luck!

kimberlee :)
I would be really interested in getting your friend Jenny's email address if you really think that she wouldn't have a problem with me staying with her on thursday night, because I'm having a hard time getting ahold of students. Just send me a private message with the info.

Hola from Singapore. I just wanted to drop a line and say HI guys, I'm loving my little vacation. Times running out on my Internet hook up so talk to ya all soon.
I must admit, I'm getting a little green with envy that you're on vacation, Docgeorge! ;) I hope I get the chance to travel in the coming months. I'm going to quit my job in April. Where else did you go other than Singapore?
Does anyone know what kind of banks they have around school? I'm with Citibank now, and they told me they don't have a branch in Iowa. I'm sure there should be a BofA or Wells Fargo, right?
hey luckystar,

i know of three banks on ingersoll (that's the street that's a block from grand). they are: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and US Bank.

kimberlee :)
Thank you, Kimberlee! :)
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Docslysterin and JennyW. . . how did the interviews go? I think Kimberlee got a chance to meet you guys. Isn't she just so intimidating? Just kidding, Kim!
I think my interview in Des Moines went well. I really enjoyed the school and had a good time there. :) Now I'm just waiting to here back about their decision. I did meet kimberlee and a few more people, it was totally cool.
i'll keep you posted. :)
i think the interview went well... we'll see what they decide.

Congrats to all you guys who got accepted!!
[edit] ...recently accepted that Jenny and docslytherin!!
And a bump for the thread...
Hey guys,
I just got my acceptance email yesterday. :) So I'm very excited. I'm still a little bit torn between DMU and UHS, but I think that DMU is where I'll be next august. :) I just wanted to share the good news and say good luck to everyone that's still waiting to hear.

Does anyone know how far Iowa State University is from DMU? I know it's in Ames, but how far is it really (driving time) and in what direction?
Ames is about 30min away...

I got my acceptance yesterday too!!
Where is everybody?? What are you guys up to?

Is the cost of a laptop and PDA included in the budget, or do they give us the actual thing? I'd rather it be in the budget...

Hope everyone's doing ok!
I'm think they give you laptop and pda once you get there? Im not 100% sure but thats the impression that I go when I red the dmu info. So what are you doing before clalsses start? Im just bumming around and taking a couple of classes to graduate:) Oh and Im so excited...Im going on a cruise for spring break!!! Has anyone been on a cruise? Im kind of worried of the Norwalk virus i've read about but I guess its been clearing up kind of.:)
From talking to them at my interview, you're given both a PDA and a laptop (included in tuition). Technically, they still belong to DMU. Your PDA will be upgraded (exchanged) once while you're at school. When you graduate ownership of the PDA and laptop are tranferred to you, but they are not yours until you graduate...

That's how I understand it.
You're going on a cruise??? You're sooooo lucky!! Where ya goin? My ex-roommate just came back from a Mexico cruise, and she's so paranoid that she brought her own water on the trip! It was a 4 day cruise, and she packed like, a dozen bottles. But nobody got sick, and she had a great time. You can be sure they're doing their best to clean every nook and cranny on the ship, so it should be safe. So then, your first priority should be to have lots and lots of crazy fun!! :clap:

What I am doing right now: I'm working at a research lab with mice, trying to scrounge up enough money to buy some warmer clothes for school later. And being a total couch potato. I have forgone working out after I graduated in May, and I guess I should start again so I can pass that physical that DMU will give us at the beginning. I would be so ashamed if I start hyperventilating five seconds after they tell me to start pedaling.

John! You chose KCOM, huh? It is a fantastic school, and I wish you the best!

thanks... KCOM just felt better while i was there. i'm excited... last week was a really good week. finally felt some validation by receiving some acceptances. good luck to you too!!
calling all DMUers....
I didn't realize how much time I spend here until it went offline. But now I'm hooked on even more TV shows, so I'm going to have to multitask and do both at the same time. How's everyone so far?
Hey guys I had some serious sdn withdrawl! I did'nt realize how hooked I was untill it went off line. Any way, I'm just bumming around this semmister, I just want to pass my dinkey 2 classes. I have a case of Senioritis really really bad. I spent the last 4 nights drinking with friends. I hadent drunk any thing in aobout a year and a half.
Drink while you can, bro! Although I'm sure there'll be plenty of times where we'd want to go party for four days straight in school. But let me just say that I really really miss school! I wouldn't mind being a student forever. I guess I picked the right field, huh? Can't wait to get back in the classroom and the library...I wonder how long I'll feel this way after school starts!
Hey Jane, I feel the same way about school. But it's just that I've been here in Sac for 5 years now and I'm ready to move on with the next part of my life. I too am looking foreward to meeting all you guys at school and actually starting school too. Hey by the way do u have the numbers for that moveing copany?

Ps: How was your Valentines day (this for for every one out there esp. you Rick)
Hi Prad!

The website for the moving company previously mentioned is They also have the option for you to hire them for moving assistance. Another good company (as told by my friends) is But they won't give you a quote unless you call them.

Blah, I hate v-day.... :p This was a fun weekend though. I saw Daredevil. And How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, which is REALLY good...chick flick for guys!

When's the next time we're supposed to hear from DMU? Aren't they supposed to be sending financial aid info and other stuff soon?
When's the next time we're supposed to hear from DMU? Aren't they supposed to be sending financial aid info and other stuff soon?

yeah, I was wondering the same. Are we supposed to call them and have em send us financial aid stuff? Have any of you other DMUers received anything yet?

hyper :)
Hey all,

I finally made my decision to join the DMU class of 2007. I'm so happy about my decision. Anybody thinking of surgery?
Hey Tristan! Glad to hear we'll be in the same class this fall. :clap:
It's funny how you ask about surgery, because I think a few of us really are interested in it. Where in Utah are you from?

Did you guys see the Grammy's last night? I don't think there's ever been one in the past with so many performances! There were hardly any acceptance speeches! I'm not complaining though... And Eminem :love: N'Sync was actually pretty good too! I must find a way to wean myself from the TV before I hit the books in a few months...
Jane, I did'nt know you wanted to cut. Tristan, I'm very interested in surgery, have since I was 15 and saw my first surgery. Who did you interview with.

And Jane thanks for the info on the moving company, and as far as financial aid is concerned, they said that the packett would be mailed the end of Feb or the first week of march. It just dawned on me that I only have 4 more months till we start med school.
I'm with docgeorge. I can't wait to start school. By the docgeorge, I interviewed with Dr. Gerald Cooper, Kara Waugh, and Katie Murphy (a student). To tell you the truth, my interview with them was mediocre if not crappy. I just felt like the doctor didn't care to be there. The medstudent practically answered all my questions. However, I'm in and that's all that matters.

luckystar, I'm actually living in Provo, UT right now. I did my undergraduate at Brigham Young University, but I'm originally from West Covina, CA (SoCal). About the grammy's, I didn't see it but I heard Norah Jones cleaned the house with 8 awards.

By the way, how do we get a hold of the housing listings? Does DMU send it to us or do we request it?
Tristan, I'm sorry you had a bad interview. I ended up deciding to go to DMU partly because of my interview. I had Dr. Reed and 3 students. Dr. Reed is the chair of surg. They were all so cool. I look foreward to meeting you in Des Moines. Oh yea they send you the housing stuff in the pre registration packet or you can look up student rated places on the studet services page of DMU's web site.
Hey Prad, looks like you can post again :) Yeah, I'm interested in surg, but also lots of other things, so we'll see.

Tristan, here's a link for the DMU apartment list:
but to find what's available, you'd have to use one of those search engines, like, etc.
It's too bad you didn't have a good experience at your interview. Is Katie the same Katie that posts here? Yeah, she rocks! I think she was on the student panel at my interview.

I didn't get to meet this Dr. Reed. My interview was a big part of my decision too!! I just had two interviewers, a student and an administrator. But they were great, and I totally felt like I botched it immediately afterwards. It was my first interview, so I was pretty nervous. So glad this whole process is over!
hey Jane,

what did you pm to JMJ I'm curriose(sp??)
Haha, Prad, there's a reason they're called PRIVATE messages...;)

I just told him that he should be aware that there aren't too many DMUers (current students, much less the 3rd and 4th years he was looking for) on SDN. So I said it would be a good idea to PM Popoy, since he is the mod.

Sorry, nothing scandalous here...:laugh:
Damn!!! I was looking for something jucy oh well guess I'll have to find that someplace else.;)

I just wanted to know if you had some good stuff to share about DMU. Always looking for new ways to plug "My" school.

Peace:hardy: :hardy: :hardy:
I'll be sure to let you know if I hear any juicy bits about "your" school.
Touchee Jane. Ok Ok I get it "OUR"
school. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
LOL, this is too hilarious...:laugh:

I think I spend way too much time on here. :D
You know You're addictied to SDN when you have withdrawl sympthoms when the site goes off line for more than a few hours.

Have you decided when youre going to move to Iowa?
:eek: That means I AM addicted!!!

I'm going to move in June. I've decided to get a used car in Des Moines, so I need time to find one before school starts. The Toyota dealership there has a pretty big inventory, so hopefully, they'll have one for me! Do you know what we should do about driver's licenses? Do we need to get a new one for Iowa, or will our CA one be sufficient for the few years we'll be in Iowa? And then there's the whole insurance thing :rolleyes:

I asked Verizon about their cell phone service in Iowa, and they claim it's all good, but then, I'd figure that all companies will tell you that.

Are you still going to go apartment hunt in May? I'll probably go at the end of May. I just checked airfare prices, and the lowest I've found is $228 for Northwest from SFO, connecting in Minnesota. I guess I won't be visiting home much once I get to Iowa, with those prices :(
as for the liscense thing....when you're in school you can usually keep liscense instead of getting a new one from Iowa. I'm from Alaska and I went to school in Minnesota and I kept my Alaska liscense and had Minnesota insurance and no one ever questioned it as long as I said that I was a student. I also have a friend who lives in Texas and she purchased her car there, has Texas insurance and an Alaska liscense and since she's a student she's had no problems either.

As for the price of tickets, I know what you mean. I was looking up tickets from Iowa to Alaska a while ago and the cheapest that I could find was around $700, but I'm use to only going home for Christmas and Summer. :)

I'm still not sure when i'm going to go apartment shopping though....good luck in may. :)


$700?!? :wow: Thank you for the info about licenses and insurance! One less hoop to jump through! So what are you doing from now 'til August?

Jane, yea I'm going hunting in may. I dont know exactly when. My dad wants to come out with me and he's not exactly sure when he can go in may. But as far as the licence is concerned i'm with jenny here, you should'nt have to worry about getting a new licence that is untill yours expires. I wonder though if insurance will be cheeper in Iowa then in cali. Any way do you know much about Bodega Bay(sp) I've never been there and i'm going this friday. I figure I have 4 monts in cali so I'm going to see as much of it as possible.
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