DMU Class of 2007 part 01

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I work in seattle doing cancer research, so I'm going to stay there for as long as possible trying to save a little bit of money so that I can do something fun like travel a little bit before school starts. We'll see though.

I think that DocGeorge is right about the insurance, although you may be able to get iowa insturance with a CA liscense if you're a student (just call an insurance company and ask them all this info, they'll be happy to tell you).

Good luck with the apartment search in May, hopefully if I come a little later there will still be good places....although i'm thinking I may get a house down there because it's so cheap.


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I was reading Jamie Taweel's Diary and he mentioned that the white coat ceremony was in the middle of the 1st semester. This is a bummer because our families will have to come back to Des Moines after being there during orientation.

Does anyone know if they've changed this to a different day like during orientation?
I don't think that they're going to change the white coat date. When I interviewed they made it sound like they liked it during september that way your family/friends can come back to visit again when you're all settled in an missing them....I guess it's good for those who have family/friends close to des moines.
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That's a good idea, having your family there for orientation and/or the white coat ceremony. I think my fam will be there for graduation, but not the beginning festivities.

Prad, Bodega Bay/Wine Country is a great place! There's so much you can do. It can be a nature trip, a spa retreat, winery tours, lots of fun stuff. I've only been there three or four times, and it's one of those places always featured on Bay Area Backroads, or California Gold, not that I avidly watch those. Big Sur is also a really nice place, especially if you like camping.

Hey Jenny, I'm working on cancer research too! Mouse mammary tumors. Maybe we can start a project together at DMU :p Don't they have a pretty new research facility built (or plans to build one)?

I have a feeling most things are cheaper in Iowa. Even gas! I will be so happy to see prices under $2 again!
Thanks for the info about Bodega Bay. Hey count me in if you guys wanna colaborate on a project. I'm really good histological techniques for light and electron microscopy.
Wow, all of us would make an awesome team! This is something worth looking into in the future.

Prad, I hope your gf will be ok :)
Thanks me too. She'll know aobut the Hep C on monday. If the Hep C comes back clear shell be ok.
Reading the last page of this thread I simply wanted to comment.... on how wonderful it is to hear that there will be more Californian's comin' to DMU....

Regarding white coat ceremony and orientation.... Don't bring your family during orientation.... You'll be busy enough as it is. Most of the festivities will be geared towards students anyway.

I would sincerely suggest that your families come during the white coat ceremonies instead.

Don't change any license including both your driver's or your car license plates.... My wife and I ended up spending needless money with changing our car license plate to Iowa and quite frankly it was unnecesary.

Health insurance, shop around for something that fits you best. I took SOMA (Student Osteopathic Medicine Association) insurance, which SOMA will mail you info in the summer, so don't fret.

Car Insurance, we have State Farm and all we had to do was transfer accounts to Iowa.... and yes it is SOOOO Much cheaper..... Gas too....

I suggest living as close to campus as their will be the renovation going on with the new building and the Grand Avenue.... IT will be a pain in the tush if you decide to live away from campus.... just a suggestion.

All this talk about Bodega Bay and research brings memories back from my undergrad :) (UCDavis)....

Later, :cool:
I notice tristan's question on surgery.... as a first year you can be a TA for the surgery lab. If you want to go into surgery, I highly suggest you do this. Once you're here at DMU, keep a look out for Surgery Lab TA positions.

Tristan, sorry to hear your interview did not go well but like you said you are accepted.

DMU knows about this website and when some comments are made they make note of it.... Katie is actually a common visitor amongs SDNers.... ;)
If y'all have a question just email me.... which is probably the fastest way of gettin' a hold of me.

I pass by every day to make sure no one's messin' around with the forum but otherwise have become silent since mid way through first year....

Like many of you.... I too was addicted to SDN... and actually had the record for the most posting back in my day.... Man, that makes me sound old.... ;)
Wow, thanks so much Popoy! Your posts are fantastic! :clap:

For the third, or maybe fourth, time, I can't wait to start school! :D
Originally posted by luckystar
Wow, thanks so much Popoy! Your posts are fantastic! :clap:

For the third, or maybe fourth, time, I can't wait to start school! :D

You're welcome :D

Reading some of your postings here and your other contacts with other DMU students on this forum, I can see you'll definitely fit in at DMU.

There'll be ups and downs, that I can guarantee.... but get involved in school activities and get to know your faculty, staff, general services, students, etc. and I can guarantee you that you'll have the time of your life at DMU....
Thanks from me too Popoy. :) :) :) Hey got any tips for cell phones in Des Moines Area?
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Remember those flight tickets I mentioned? The ones for $228?? Well, they're GONE!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Does this mean I'll have to buy tickets 3 1/2 months in advance every time I need to fly to/from Des Moines? +pissed+ I can't imagine how much they might be by the time I actually decide on a date!

Anyway, I think I should schedule health check-ups and get new glasses right about now, while I'm still under my dad's health insurance coverage :D
Originally posted by Docgeorge
Thanks from me too Popoy. :) :) :) Hey got any tips for cell phones in Des Moines Area?

I have yet to have any problems with SPRINT.... In addition to their cellular plan you get free long distance for your land line.

You will need a landline so you dial in free to the school to use their net.... I'm pretty use y'all are going wireless next year so you may not need a land line but possibly an ethernet....

I'm not sure if y'all were warned but a part of your cost of attending DMU is a "technology" cost.... I believe this includes a laptop and PDA.... to which after small increments of payment will be yours after four years.... not a bad deal, if you ask me.

Anyway, I'm goin' in tangent.... Cellular phone.... I would go with SPRINT most students have SPRINT. But I do know of people havin' verizon and US Cellular so if you currently have that I'm sure you'll do fine too.
You can get a package deal with Sprint for a land and cellular plan? That's convenient! They have the best commercials too :) Although I might have to stick with Verizon because my family has it and the mobile-to-mobile minutes are national.

Ah yes, I heard about the laptop/PDA deal right here on this forum. What kind of laptop will it be?

Popoy, what kinds of residencies are you thinking of doing?
Hey Prad,
I've been pretty busy lately, so I haven't had much chance to post....but I have been keeping up on the threads though. Things in Missouri are pretty much boring right now...I'm getting a liitle sick and tired with the snow and cold weather. But I guess I'll have to get used to it for Iowa. how are things with your fiance? Have you guys decided on a date yet? Anyhow, talk to everyone later.
Things are ok. She got a dirty needle stick on thursday. The HIV screen on the pt came back clear, and now she's just waiting for the Hep C to come back. As for the date, we've decided that were just going to play it cool for the next 4 years that we are in med school. We'll pick things up after school's over and were in residency. How's the baby doing?
Originally posted by luckystar
You can get a package deal with Sprint for a land and cellular plan? That's convenient! They have the best commercials too :) Although I might have to stick with Verizon because my family has it and the mobile-to-mobile minutes are national.

Ah yes, I heard about the laptop/PDA deal right here on this forum. What kind of laptop will it be?

Popoy, what kinds of residencies are you thinking of doing?

What ever laptop/PDA it is, I can assure it that it will be top of the line.... Dave at Institutional Tech will pick out the best. There's even talks about being able to upgrade anytime.... more on that later. You are all in good hands....

Residencies for me??? I'm a National Health Service Corp Scholar so... with that said, I'm looking into Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, and Family Practice.... although OB/Gyn and Psych is also open for me..... I do plan on specializing after I serve my time ;)
Sorry to here about your fiance, hope everything turns out OK. Where is she going to medical school? Teagan is great, thanks for asking. Anybody else have kids that you know of at DMU? Here's a picture of Teagan.


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Yea it is a bummer she got stuck. The odds are in our favor. She's going to UHS. (Turned down MSU, NSU, UNE, Az, Chicago, DMU, and a bunch of others) Nothing to be sorry about Rick. Were not breaking up or anything. Were just going to work our butts off so we can get the resdencies we want together after graduation. We just decided that were not going to be one of those people who live on the phone. We'll see each other during the breaks. We figure if we cant do 4 year appart, we wont survive a lifetime together.

I have one thing to say about the pic

Hey Prad,
Why did she turn down DMU if you were going there? Any how, I guess your only 3 hours away from each other...could be a lot worse.
Same reason that she turned down the other places. She loves the cirriulum and she felt at home at UHS. Tell you the truth I feel that way about DMU, and we had decided before that we started applying that we would go to the place that we felt good about.
Teagan's a darling!!! That's a nice name too, how'd you and your wife decide on it?

That's cool that you're doing NHSC. So, you can't specialize when you're still under the contract? Do residency years count?

Nope.... residencies don't count.... I have four years to pay off after residency. Otherwise, its a great deal....

4 years will passby like everything else and then I'm thinking about doing a fellowship in Emergency medicine....

How about you.... what residency are you thinkin' about?


I think I met you on Thursday night in the lounge area. You were staying with a first year. I was the 2nd year that was interviewing the next day. I'm pretty sure it was someone from Tennesse anyway :) I never forget a southern drawl, way more interesting than my midwestern bland accent! I'm glad you liked the school and that international food fair was awesome. The couscous was amazing. I hope you get the answer you are looking for from the school.

Yeah, Popoy, if residency years counted, then it would be too good to be true! That's a really good plan, after 4 years of IM or FP, you can get a shot of excitement with the EM fellowship. Not that IM and FP lack excitement ;)

I'm still trying to feel my way through the whole residency process, but I have ideas about what I'd like to learn more about, and what I don't! As for now, I'm thinking of any of the IM subspecialties, surgery of sorts, and a few other random ones. My thoughts are totally scattered for now!

Katie, how are you doing? :)

I'm doing peachy! I've been busy, as has JP, with classes, board prep, sleep deprivation, and all that fun stuff! I can see everyone is getting psyched up for the new year. I wish I could be there to see it happen for you guys. Orientation is more fun when it isn't your own :)

Hey Katie,

I'm not sure they know my real name.... :)

Popoy = JP

Thought, I'd help clarify.... :cool:

Luckystar, don't worry so much about residency. They work themselves out.... of course, if you want to get into residencies that are harder to get into, then I suggest studyin' your butt off to maintain a competitive edge....

Otherwise, y'all sit back and relax till your orientation. I may be around to help out so please don't be a stranger and say hi. I'll be around doing some internship with the Department of Public Health this summer.... Before I head off to OHIO!!!

I always like to see people during orientation.... Everyone's excited, full of hopes and dreams,.... Ahhhh, the good old days :D

Just jokin' I still love being here.... But don't fool yourselves though, it's a lot of hard work.... There will be times when you will ask yourselves if its worth it or not.... for me,.... IT'S ALL WORTH IT!!! especially with classmates like Katie ;)

Later :cool:
JP! I know who you are...:D Wait, just to double check, you were at the Vegas interview, right? I didn't actually get to meet you, as you were kind of busy running around, but you were mentioned by the ones in charge!
Yup that's me :D

I was in Vegas interviewing and entertaining students.... I also did a couple of research presentations there.

I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you. I wanted to much to meet each and every student but like you said they keep us runnin' 'round and busy....

Remember to introduce yourself to me when the time comes.... I always like to meet SDNers from DMU and other osteopathic medical schools....

Hi JP,

Do you go to the AOA convention every year? It is super cool that you got to present your research! How did you get started with your particular projects? Did you work under a faculty member, or was it all on your own? I'm interested in doing something after I get started, but I would much rather work under someone because I don't want it to take over what little time I would have as a student.

I can't wait to meet all you people too!

Hey guys whats up? I have a couple of questions for the curent DMUers out there. 1) What is SCOPE? 2) Does the school pay for you to go to the AOA convention?
Originally posted by luckystar
Hi JP,

Do you go to the AOA convention every year? It is super cool that you got to present your research! How did you get started with your particular projects? Did you work under a faculty member, or was it all on your own? I'm interested in doing something after I get started, but I would much rather work under someone because I don't want it to take over what little time I would have as a student.

I can't wait to meet all you people too!


This was the first year I went.... I worked with a faculty member here at DMU. I suggest that once you get here to speak to Dr. Larsen (Dean of Research) and tell him your interest and he can point you out to the right faculty member. There's also 4 research fellowship granted every summer to which you can apply to....

There's plenty of opportunities to do research here.... but time is a big factor for a lot of students.
Originally posted by Docgeorge
Hey guys whats up? I have a couple of questions for the curent DMUers out there. 1) What is SCOPE? 2) Does the school pay for you to go to the AOA convention?

Never really looked at SCOPE.... sorry. But if you visit the DMU website, there's an brief explanation of what it's all about.

AOA Convention, DMU will only pay for you if you do something for them.... For example, I presented a couple of research projects, interviewed for admission, and help with the DMU Alumni booth. This enabled me to get my entire trip payed for. Otherwise, you're on your own....
Hey JP,

Since you're from CA too, how much did it cost for you to move to IA? Did you use a moving company or a package shipper? I've been getting such a large range of quotes from various places, and I don't know what the norm is.

Sorry for all the questions! And thanks for the info about Dr. Larsen :)
Hey there JP! Good to see that you are still alive and kicking. It's been a while, so I thought I'd say hello and hope that all is going well for you. Life in Omaha is great! Baby #1 is due July 4th... very excited! :clap: All said, life is great. You will have fun in Ohio, the guys I keep in touch with who are out there now like it a lot. Say hi to Karen for me.
Sincerely, craniotomy (aka jsdmu)
Originally posted by luckystar
Hey JP,

Since you're from CA too, how much did it cost for you to move to IA? Did you use a moving company or a package shipper? I've been getting such a large range of quotes from various places, and I don't know what the norm is.

Sorry for all the questions! And thanks for the info about Dr. Larsen :)

I don't remember exactly how much it cost but I think it was roughly $200-300.... My wife and I drove from CA to IA with a Corolla packed with everything we can stuff in it.... mostly clothes and essentials.

Our books and non breakable items were shipped via AMTRAK.... yup you're reading right.... AMTRAK.... They have the BEST and CHEAPEST DEAL!!! Don't bother shopping anywhere else. My wife and I packed everything in boxes and got AMTRAK to take it to Iowa.... the problem is that their closest station that does the delivering is in Ottumwa, Iowa.... which is a couple of hours southeast of Des Moines.... so we rented a UHaul and drove down there to pick up things.

Look into AMTRAK and I'm sure you won't be disappointed....
You will need a car, so you may want to drive down here. It's a straight shot with 80.... you won't miss it. :)

Don't be sorry for all your questions, I enjoy answering them. I've been in hiatus for awhile and I'm about to disappear again to study for boards so ask away before I go into a small hiatus again.

If anything I said was unclear, just ask and I'll try and clarify.

Later, :cool:
Originally posted by craniotomy
Hey there JP! Good to see that you are still alive and kicking. It's been a while, so I thought I'd say hello and hope that all is going well for you. Life in Omaha is great! Baby #1 is due July 4th... very excited! :clap: All said, life is great. You will have fun in Ohio, the guys I keep in touch with who are out there now like it a lot. Say hi to Karen for me.
Sincerely, craniotomy (aka jsdmu)

BIG BRO!!! Nice you're still around.... I thought I lost you there for a moment.... Glad things are going well for you.... Am I reading this right there will be little ones of you.... YOU THE MAN!!! Congratulations my friend!!! I'm excited for you!!!

I can't wait for Ohio either.... Kinda scared.... Any tips on Boards?! I'll make sure to say hi to Karen for you.... I'm sure she'll trip :)

Gotta go on campus to run errands, but I look forward to any advice.... :cool:
Does interested in the dual degree program please don't hesitate to ask away.... I'm currently doing the DO/MPH and contemplating about doing the MHA as well....

Later gators, :cool:
Wow a DO, MPH, MHA! How do you get time to take the MPH and MHA clases, will you be able to graduate in 4 years?
I'm still contemplating about the MHA part of it.... I'll be finishing, I hope, my MPH after this summer.... Which leaves me my third and fourth year to add 6-7more courses for the MHA.... Not sure yet really.... I might just end up stopping at DO/MPH.... It takes a lot out of your time....

Yes, I you can finish in four years.... night time courses and weekend courses...

BTW, I'm not the only one doing this.... I have a few classmates that are dual degreers.... It adds a bit of flavor to your already interesting medical school classes.... For example, bioterrorism and classic symptoms of nuclear, biological and chemical warfare affects on patients aren't cover in the med curricula but IS covered in the Masters courses.... Toxicology and Environmental Health is emphasized in the Masters program.... It's that twist of lemon over an ordinary water :D

Till tomorrow,
:eek: Med school=ordinary water?? It'll be more like a big martini for me. Strong, intense, but all the fun comes after you drink it! (I don't like straight-up martinis, but the flavored ones, like cosmos, and now we're talkin...:D) An MPH nowadays sounds very useful.

My gosh, JP, when do you have time to breathe? How are you going to take courses when you're doing rotations in Ohio?

Amtrak, huh? I'll look into that. That is really a sweet deal if you don't mind driving. How are Iowa drivers, anyway? I've decided to buy a used car after I move. My parents would NOT be cool with me taking a road trip, and they wouldn't be able to come with me because it would take too much time. How is your Corolla dealing with the snow and ice and all that icky stuff?

Hey Prad, is your gf in the clear?
Originally posted by luckystar
:eek: Med school=ordinary water?? It'll be more like a big martini for me. Strong, intense, but all the fun comes after you drink it! (I don't like straight-up martinis, but the flavored ones, like cosmos, and now we're talkin...:D) An MPH nowadays sounds very useful.

My gosh, JP, when do you have time to breathe? How are you going to take courses when you're doing rotations in Ohio?

Amtrak, huh? I'll look into that. That is really a sweet deal if you don't mind driving. How are Iowa drivers, anyway? I've decided to buy a used car after I move. My parents would NOT be cool with me taking a road trip, and they wouldn't be able to come with me because it would take too much time. How is your Corolla dealing with the snow and ice and all that icky stuff?

Yup, I guess your right... :D It's more like a martini :)

Breathing??? What's that :D.... Joking aside, it's really just additional work, but it's not much more than a 4-5hours per week worth of added work.... It really isn't as much as people make out it to be....

I'm thinking about travelling back for the weekend courses or doing independent study while in Ohio.... We'll see.... A couple of the administrators here have offered their homes for me to stay at if and when necessary.

Iowa Drivers.... less observant than most and most are older individuals.... so slow driving is the norm.

I guess a road trip isn't too safe, but it was fun and adventurous... My Corolla has new sets of tires so I don't have any problems at all driving. I have a huge Flour bag weighing about 30lbs in the back of the trunk for traction.... It's a different kind of driving. Sometimes you have to estimate turning and stuff like that.... otherwise you'll be fine. Most major roads and highways are cleared out.... Just drive slow ;) and you'll blend in....

Later, :cool:
Where are the rest of my future classmates? Or maybe I'm the only one without a life :p

I know that during my interview, it was mentioned that we would have board prep for Step 1. Is this taught by DMU faculty, or a commercial class, like Kaplan?

:laugh: I can just see myself getting accustomed to driving slow in Iowa, then going back to CA and getting run over...
Originally posted by luckystar
Where are the rest of my future classmates? Or maybe I'm the only one without a life :p

I know that during my interview, it was mentioned that we would have board prep for Step 1. Is this taught by DMU faculty, or a commercial class, like Kaplan?

:laugh: I can just see myself getting accustomed to driving slow in Iowa, then going back to CA and getting run over...

As a class you will be able to invite "board prep vendors" including Kaplan, Youel's Prep, Northwestern, etc.

Once you see a presentation by each vendor, as a class you all vote to which one you should have.... This year, my class voted on Kaplan.

The school then pays for Kaplan to come and gives us the books and prep material.

Where are your future classmates??? Post away....

Were here, at least I am any way. I'm just bored off my butt. I'm tired of undergrad, and the two classes I have this sem are a joke!!! I just want to get out of Sactown really really bad...

Now that I've got that out of my system, Jane, Darci is fine, thanks for asking. It's just not plesent to think that if we become surgeons, that we might get stuck 1 or 2 times a year. Ahh the price we pay

Till later


Hey Popoy, what was your research that you presented at the AOA?
Hi Prad,

I guess we're online at the same time.... Are you a UCDavis student or Sac State??? or maybe both??? I had a couple of classmates that attended both Sac state and UCDavis....

Anyway, here's the research project abstracts I presented as posters:

1) Flow Cytometric Methods for Evaluation of Virulence Attributes of Fungal Pathogens

2) High Throughput Evaluation of Antifungal Drugs Applied to a large collection of Candida strains
I'm a Sac Stater not to be confused with Slack Stater ( what some Aggies call us). How did you come up with your projects? Did you bring your topics of intrest with you or did the research faculty at DMU help you to come up with a toppic?
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