DMU-OMC Class of 2005

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500 Baby!!!!

Anyways, congratulations to the class of 2004. Its been a long year and I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing summer break :D :cool: :D

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Josh, you can count on my signature.... :cool:

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! CLASS OF 2004!!! All done and now go have fun!!! :D

I look forward to meeting some of you this fall.
I definitely agree with OMM being useful.... I shadowed a 100%OMM practician and notice how she was able to make diagnosis much quickly with the OMM techniques.... :D

I can't wait to start OMM....
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Question about OMM labs:

How is the class conducted? What is our attire during that time? Are we paired up with one partner or more? Is it opposite gender partners or same? Do you use gloves or bare hands? (I've seen it done both ways.... )

Just some thoughts....
I think this is one of the greatest things about going to a DO school, you get to learn OMM. As many of you know, a lot of DO's choose not to use it or to a limited extent. But thats part of the beauty of it all, YOU get to choose! All it does, is it gives you more options about how you want to treat your patients.
Can you answer my questions about the OMM labs and lecture classes (or is there a lecture class at all?).... Please :D THANKS :D
As Dr. Boesler will teach you, there are 6 basic Osteopathic Principles:
1. The body functions as a unit
2. structure and function are interrelated
3. the body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms
4. the body has the inherent capacity to heal and repair itself
5. movement of bodily fluids is essential to the maintenance of health
6. somatic components to disease are not only manifestations of disease, but are also factors that contribute to the maintenance of the disease

When A.T. Still came out with this list in the late 1800's, these were revolutionary theories that contraindicated how many MD's practiced at the time. I would be surprised to find an MD out there that does not agree with the first five principles nowadays.
It is in the sixth principle that we are still seperated though... although this is changing too. Many MD schools are now teaching "biomechanics" which is basically a dumbed down version of OMM.
In the book Osteopathic Medicine: A Reformation in Progress they mentioned....

"Osteopathic concepts emphasize the following principles:
1 . The human being is a dynamic unit of function.
2. The body possesse self-regulatory mechanisms which are self-healing in nature.
3. Structure and function are interrelated at all levels.
4. Rational treatment is based on these principles." (p.38)

I guess they missed a couple.... Maybe I'll write to the authors and add those things that Dr. Boessler mentioned.... Hey, he might get credited. :D
OMM lectures are once a week for 1-2 hours. OMM labs are also once a week for about 2 hours. You will have a new partner every lab... you will have both male and female lab partners. Most likely you will never have the same lab partner twice during the entire two years.
For lab, you MUST wear a t-shirt and loose shorts... you must take your shoes off when you get in the room. There is no faster way to get a dirty look from a fellow than to put your shoes on one of the tables.
I'll remember that shoe thing.... Don't want to piss off any fellows now.... :D

BTW, did you apply to the OMM fellowship?

When can one start applying for the OMM Fellowship? If I remember correctly it's suppose to be after/during your second year.... is that right?
The OMM gang interviews students for the OMM Fellowship during the second semester of the second year.

At this time, I am not planning on applying for the OMM Fellowship. My biggest reason (as weak as it may be) is that I feel that I have already spent enough time in school.
Thanks for the info as always....

WELCOME TO PAGE 35!!! Yeaahhh baby!!! :D

I was thinking about the OMM fellowship, but it seems like I won't be able to handle taking an additional year for that as well... besides, I get kinda nervous if I do the techniques incorrectly....

How is one tested for the the OMM portion?
Is their a lab practical? How is that conducted?
Thanks for the info as always....

WELCOME TO PAGE 35!!! Yeaahhh baby!!! :D

I was thinking about the OMM fellowship, but it seems like I won't be able to handle taking an additional year for that as well... besides, I get kinda nervous if I do the techniques incorrectly....

How is one tested for the the OMM portion?
Is their a lab practical? How is that conducted?
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There is a writen exam at the end of the first semester and again at the end of the second semester.
There are 5 quizes each semester, usually over Boeslers material.
There are two practical exams each semester. you are matched up with a partner and there are 4-6 rooms that you will circulate through. Each room has a fellow or teacher whom will ask you to do something on your partner and grade you.

OMM is one of the relaxing and very enjoyable classes... its a lot of fun.
Another thing, if OMM is worth studying... And I know it's worth studying.... but you don't use it often.... Then it's not much of a use.... I heard OMM is an ART and needs to be honed with much practice and diligence....

Are there hospitals that allow us osteopaths to practice OMM whole-heartedly?.....
That depends on a lot of factors... some hospitals make you do OMM, others some, and others none. It also depends on your comfort level doing it as well as your attending allowing you to do it. Kind of a crap-shoot I guess.

JP, am I going to come back from vacation and find 15 new pages of nothing but your posts??? You know that it could develop into some kind of mental disease .... ;) :D
Yup you will :D.... No, I'm sure once you've disappeared I'll probably stop this thread for a while unless my other classmates decide to join in the discussion....

Anyway.... I'm off to chill for awhile before I go off for the demonstration of the Biomechanics lab in the Med Tower.

Congrats on finishing and enjoy your summer break... I'll see you when you get back.... Later, :cool:
So, what beautiful sights, sounds, and smells of Des Moines are you going to show your parents?
GOOD question.... NOOOO Answer.... I'll probably just show them the skywalk, malls, shops, maybe pass by Iowa City, watch a movie, etc....

If anyone has any idea.... Please feel free to post them... I need some idea!!! PLEASE!!! :D
To those of you interested about the rotations and internships available for us in DMU go to the library and ask for it.

The person up front showed me a couple of binders.... One was a description of the places for rotation as well as showing how many students went to that particular rotation. The other one was a list of hospitals and clinics that is AOA approved for internship (yes, we have to do an internship after the fourth year).... It doesn't say much except the description of the hospital/clinic, where it's located, the DO/MD ratio, and other factoid.

BTW, I saw a trend among the students of DMU doing rotation.... Many do more rotation for the ER and General Med than anything else.... I wonder why?

Okay, I told you I was gonna post what I saw... there it is....
I have a correction about the Biomechanics lab I went to today... it was called "HUMAN PERFORMANCE LAB" the person in charge was Dr. Bryan Heiderscheit.... It was an amazing site to see.... They use it for several things such as joint movements, force exerted on the joints, and more....

Now, that lab is something to show in coming students next year, especially if they are interested in human mechanics.... :cool:
JP, I know of at least 20 people in my class alone (so there are probably more) who are dead set on going into EM.
I was just looking at "Iserson's Getting Into a Residency," and according to his figures there are 2669 DO EM docs and 20605 MD EM docs... this comes out to 13% of all EM docs being DO. Definately time for some representation in that field as well as every other specialty. I have heard estimates of anywhere between 10 and 20% of EM docs being DO's, but these are the only numbers I have found anywhere. Anyone out there know the percentage of EM docs in Chicago that are DO's???
Very interesting facts there..... Just wanted to see what's up before I go watch the NBA Final on NBC!!! :D

Has Anyone watched Tomb Raider yet?
WELCOME TO Page 36!!!

Does anyone have any suggestions regarding where to sit in the auditorium during lecture? Where not to sit? :D
JP, I always sat in about the middle... just sit where you want!

I've been e-mailing nbc left and right as well as the ACOEP... still waiting!
Get a hold of them enough and maybe they'll turn you into their D.O. consultant! Wouldn't that be something.... :D
Yeeaaahhhh!!!! LAKERS WON!!!! Too bad it wasn't a close game it would have been a better game to watch..... My postings will wind down as my internet connection is to soon end.... The 19th to be exact.... I need to find a different way to access the internet for free.... Later y'all :cool:
Po breaks 1000.
We beat COMP.

Insert song: "We are the champions..."

I'd like to thank everyone that made this possible!
"We are the champions.... we are the champions.... We are the champions my friendss...."

Did you see that in one of the COMP post, they were actually wondering why our post was increasing than theres?.... :cool:
Now you've done it KidT.... That song's stuck in my head.... :eek:
Some of Josh's top movie picks:
the professional
me, myself, and Irene
the devils advocate (Pacino's best work)
the fifth element
doctor doolittle... just to name a few...

JP, I can hear the COMPers from here saying, "What the......???"
JP, you have surpassed your mark... from padiwan to jedi in one week! Congrats!

Sorry, no idea what you can do with your family... I've been here a year and still don'tknow what to do here!!!
Thank you master.... Now I have to beat the Queen... Kimberli Cox!!!! Just kidding.... I'm not sure if you know but she has like 1800 post.... :D She's the reigning "QUEEN OF SDN!!!"
"Master, you have taught me very well" :D
Josh... those movie picks sound good.... I'll be keeping them in mind when I go to Blockbuster again.... MY family loves watching videos and have an entire collection of them.... Now we're slowly moving the the DVD realm!!! :cool:
Hi folks,
I'm impressed by how fast you guys built up this thread.. although there are quite a few one-liners.. heh. At any rate, it's nice to see that collectively, we are dominating all the other schools! :p
Thnaks melancholy....There's many one liners because sometimes where all on at the same time... sort of a like a slow chat.... so you never know how fast the other one would respond. Besides, now that most of my classmates have plans for the summer.... there's hardly anyone in this thread anymore.... So this thread will go slower.... especially when school gets started. :D Thanks for visiting us.... :cool:
I checked out that SCRUBS was hysterical...GOOD LOOKING OUT!!!!! The link didn't work, but I went to and went to Fall previews...and watched it. I hope it materializes...because it looks GREAT!!!!

Thanks again!!!!
I hope SCRUBS makes it to primetime... looks funny. Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

Whats up COMPers?!! Welcome!
Hi folks,
I'll definitely have to check out Scrubs. I recall seeing the trailer on TV a few times, but never really paid attention.. the idea seems pretty hilarious though. I wonder what medical influence they have from the show (i.e. consultants, advisors, etc.)

Popoy- I've definitely noticed some decrease in the variety of posters our thread has been getting.. I know people are all over the place though.. vacationing, moving, working, etc. I'm with a few SDN'ers in this summer anatomy course right now so life is a little busier for me at the moment.. heh.

You never know where any of us will end up.. definitely a possibility that we could meet another SDN peer one day.. especially when we all move onto the rotations message section!
melancholy.... You sounds like a whole-hearted person.... I meant that in a flattering way.... You seem very nice....

That would most definitely be interesting if we all met sometime in our lives (especially doing rotations).... I'm planning on going back to California sometime. DMU has had students in a lot of the COMP's hospital.... so we may never know....

Keep on posting!!! :D Much love from your midwestern colleagues!!!
For my fellow classmates, just a fair warning.... for those not in the area.... GET READY FOR A VERY TEMPERMENTAL WEATHER....

Yesterday was raining with scaterred lightning and thunder storms, but today it's freakin' sunny and hot.... The weather forecasters are saying it'll start raining again on Monday.... geezzz, I guess I'm still not getting use to this weather.... I'm not sure whether or not to pack some of my clothes depending on the weather.... No Pun intended.

Later y'all (that's with my new midwestern accent :D)!!! :cool:

I'm sorry I haven't been posting much - it's just that I left Detroit for a while to go to Virginia (consider it a vacation of sorts). But I'm coming home tomorrow to my cable modem and my computer so I can start with the posting again!

Melancholy - I didn't have the time to read 36 pages back, so I am wondering - are you going to DMU as well?

Po - Must see movies:
Charlies Angels
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Traffic (although most people hated it, I liked it - just slow)

I can't think up more, but I'm a movie nut, so tell me what you are into, and I'll suggest what you can watch!

Peace to your booty crease!
I just had to add this absolutely essential material to the thread for all of you who are coming to DMU this fall. I saw on the news today that Iowa hosts the National Skillet Throwing Championship... so remeber to bring your skillet!!!

As if Iowa doesn't have enough to pick on already!

Kid T, stay out of Deliverance country... watch yourself!
KidT: melancholy will be attending Western/COMP, melancholy decided to come and visit our thread cause he/she is wondering about our growth.... :D

Oh yeah... thanks for the list of must see.... My wife and I have actually watch, just recently, all of those.... what a coincidence.... Any more suggestions?

I hope you trip went well.... I guess it was a rude awakening for you to have visited Virginia. Maybe it was meant to be so you can have that conversation.... Later dude :cool:
I GOT MY SKILLET!!! I better practice my throwing!!! hehehe :D
I only have a couple of more days before my internet connection will be disconnected.... If I find another connection that's free, then I'll be able to post up.... Otherwise, it's hasta la vista to Popoy for a long time.... If so, I'll see you folks during orientation....

What the heck, I still have a couple of days.... I can pull another 300 some odd post!!! :D
I have a question... as if that's a new thing.... :D

Anyway, when I was in the bookstore, I notice a few DO students (Yes, I knew they were DO because they were the ones present during my interview) asking for Spanish textbook.... Is Spanish offered as a curriculum/elective for us DO students?