DO applying Allergy/Immunology-Need help

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7+ Year Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Hi everyone,

I am a USDO PGY1 at an upper mid-tier academic IM residency and will be applying A/I eventually. My question is do I need to take USMLE Step 3 in addition to Level 3? My stats are mid 250s for both USMLE Step 1 and 2, 6 publications and have strong allergy mentors. I am wondering since most Allergy programs are at strong well-known reputable academic centers will I need to take both Step 3 and Level 3 to be considered for these programs? My goal is to go to Stanford, Duke, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, Yale level programs. I asked a few Dos at reputable A/I programs (UVA and Duke) and they said they only took Level 3 but the Allergy department chair at my program (my program doesn't have an Allergy fellowship but has a large allergy department) said I should take both Step 3 and Level 3. I am not sure what to do and need guidance here-I really don't want to have to take two exams yet again and also pay twice as much money yet again if I don't have to. Any advice from Allergy fellows or attendings especially academic involved in fellowship interviewing/selection process would be greatly appreciated!

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I am a DO who matched a very good rheumatology program with only Level 3 (I took Steps 1 and 2CK).

I have never heard of a DO taking both step and level 3. I think it’s overkill.
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USMLE step 3 in general is poorly regarded as a metric for PDs in fellowship. The bulk of your application should center around personal statement, letters of recommendation/PD evaluation, research and the reputation of your residency. It's an entirely different ballgame than residency
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USMLE step 3 in general is poorly regarded as a metric for PDs in fellowship. The bulk of your application should center around personal statement, letters of recommendation/PD evaluation, research and the reputation of your residency. It's an entirely different ballgame than residency
thanks albino!