Do Canadian dental schools require a Bachelor's degree?

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10+ Year Member
Feb 16, 2013
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I already asked this on the Canada forums a long while ago, but they seem to be dead. Perhaps one of you knows the answer to this? I know American schools are obsessed with a Bachelor's, but I'm not so sure when it comes to Canada.

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I already asked this on the Canada forums a long while ago, but they seem to be dead. Perhaps one of you knows the answer to this? I know American schools are obsessed with a Bachelor's, but I'm not so sure when it comes to Canada.

Step 1. Check school websites. Only proceed to step 2 if this doesn't help.

Step 2. Check Google. Only proceed to step 3 if this doesn't help.

Step 2. Call Canadian schools and ask.

Step 1. Check school websites. Only proceed to step 2 if this doesn't help.

Step 2. Check Google. Only proceed to step 3 if this doesn't help.

Step 2. Call Canadian schools and ask.


The problem here is that school websites never mention Bachelor's degrees, but reality might be quite different. Heck, even US schools often say they don't require Bachelor's degrees, but in reality candidates without them are at the bottom of the list.