Do oral board examiners ask doses?

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There are about 5 drugs in anesthesia and he is having a hard time memorizing the pediatric doses.

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One of my attending said they were asked the intranasal dose of a not commonly used drug, so I don't think it's an unreasonable question.
Anesthesia is so easy why bother with boards and why not let CRNAs practice independently?
Might not be a bad idea for a person having a hard time memorizing a few drugs.
I got asked what dose of oral versed for peds preop dose, probably just know the basic mg/kg for most drugs
You should know them, but it is unlikely to be asked. The most likely scenario to be asked dosages is if you suggest something mildly outlandish or the examiner feels like screwing with you.
2 cc of fent, 3/4 of the syringe of prop, and 5 cc of roc ....
I'm preparing to take it soon and am wondering how much I should review pediatric dosing or if it's just a waste of time.

Yes, anything is fair game.

I got asked the dose of epinephrine for a neonate during a resuscitation scenario. However I think that there are “higher yield” concepts that you should commit to memory first before focusing on concepts such as pediatric dosing.