Do Physical Therapists get (randomly or not) drug tested?

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7+ Year Member
Apr 15, 2014
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I'm still young and for the past few years I've had trouble figuring out and solidifying a decision of what I'd like to do. When I was younger, like as a kid, I always aspired to become a doctor. I read up a ton on the subjects and dove pretty deep. My interest in pursuing that career dwindled with time as I found out more about that lifestyle and the amount of time is spent, in a way, sacrificed, even though I'd be enjoying what I'd be doing hopefully. So there were a lot of different ideas over the years, but I've come down to around 2-3.

What I'm really putting my mind to now is Physical Therapy, Industrial Design, and maybe Software/Computer Engineering as my Dad did it and it's probably the "safest" in my area, but I'm not the greatest math wiz either.

I'm just putting my mind to the future, as someone career paths are more "chill" than others. My Dad never gets drug tested, only when he first started, and it's Apple, so it's a big boy company. I guess maybe it depends, but in general, are Physical Therapists given drug tests only prior to being employed, or throughout their career?

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I'm still young and for the past few years I've had trouble figuring out and solidifying a decision of what I'd like to do. When I was younger, like as a kid, I always aspired to become a doctor. I read up a ton on the subjects and dove pretty deep. My interest in pursuing that career dwindled with time as I found out more about that lifestyle and the amount of time is spent, in a way, sacrificed, even though I'd be enjoying what I'd be doing hopefully. So there were a lot of different ideas over the years, but I've come down to around 2-3.

What I'm really putting my mind to now is Physical Therapy, Industrial Design, and maybe Software/Computer Engineering as my Dad did it and it's probably the "safest" in my area, but I'm not the greatest math wiz either.

I'm just putting my mind to the future, as someone career paths are more "chill" than others. My Dad never gets drug tested, only when he first started, and it's Apple, so it's a big boy company. I guess maybe it depends, but in general, are Physical Therapists given drug tests only prior to being employed, or throughout their career?

There is the expectation in a medical career that you abstain from drug use. I hope this answers your question.
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