Do Physiology courses count towards science GPA?

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This seems like a stupid question since the undergraduate physiology major would very closely resemble the medical school curriculum. However, I have heard people say that the BPCM gpa is only determined by courses that are either in the college of biology, chemistry, physics, or math. In our school physiology courses are part of the college of medicine so I assume they would be included in the BPCM. Anyone disagree or think differently? What about independent study courses with the prefix PSIO? Thanks :)

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According to the AMCAS 2008 Applicant Manual...

Biology (BIOL) -- BCPM
Anatomy, Biology, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Botany, Cell Biology, Ecology, Entomology, Genetics, Histology, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology

I've read others post that courses that aren't taught by BCPM departments specifically shouldn't be classified by you as BCPM courses. I've also read others claim they classified Statistics taught by the Psychology Department as BCPM and AMCAS didn't say anything about it. Perhaps others can give you more advice.

Yah, physiology is definatly a science. No one will question you.
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According to the AMCAS 2008 Applicant Manual...

Biology (BIOL) -- BCPM
Anatomy, Biology, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Botany, Cell Biology, Ecology, Entomology, Genetics, Histology, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Physiology

I've read others post that courses that aren't taught by BCPM departments specifically shouldn't be classified by you as BCPM courses. I've also read others claim they classified Statistics taught by the Psychology Department as BCPM and AMCAS didn't say anything about it. Perhaps others can give you more advice.


Would bioengineering fall under biotechnology?
I think the way you classify courses depends on the majority of the course content, NOT the department. AMCAS offers suggestions, but this is by no means a rule. If the bioengineering course was 51 percent biology, you can classify it as a biology course. At my undergrad, professors were asked to classify some common courses and several engineering classes that one might think don't count as BCPM courses actually do count. I think if you list something crazy, or something that obviously does not count, you will get called out, but you should be fine otherwise.