Do schools care about course load

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Oct 3, 2019
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My senior year I took 20 credit hours both semesters while working part time in a research lab. Wound up with a B+ instead of an A in one class partly because I was stretched kind of thin. Will med schools looks at course load + job as mitigating or not really?

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I don't think any med school cares about a single B+'s a B+! That's a good grade. Don't let gunner premed mindset get the best of you. My question is how are you managing your time to get almost all As and please clue me in lmao
My senior year I took 20 credit hours both semesters while working part time in a research lab. Wound up with a B+ instead of an A in one class partly because I was stretched kind of thin. Will med schools looks at course load + job as mitigating or not really?
Not for a B-plus. But you don't get bonus points for heavy courseloads even if it were all A's. This is not the martyrdom Olympics.
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I averaged 13 every semester.. Worked out great. Lots of time for hobbies and EC's
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Not likely to get noticed.... however, sometimes a kindly advisor or committee letter will point out the heavier than usual work load as evidence of your ability to take on a tremendous academic workload and do well (and a LOR might add that you did so while continuing to work N hours/week at X job -- that will be in your work/activities section but adcoms might need help with the timeline, a good LOR from an advisor or committee can do that for you).
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