Does an NRMP match violation affect SFMatch?

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Jul 11, 2019
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Curious if anyone knows if one receives an NRMP match violation, can they still match on SFMatch/would SFMatch programs know?

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I believe both matches are completely independent, hence one would not know anything about the other. Neither would a sanction from one have any bearing on the other.
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I would imagine an application to any non-integrated ophthalmology program (i.e. any program that requires you apply for a prelim year) would be affected, as I am pretty certain those are through NRMP. I don't know what percent of programs that would eliminate you from, proportionally speaking.

Also, maybe one of the program directors can comment on this, but I believe the NRMP would notify your medical school if you committed a match violation, which might cause you additional problems...
Just out of curiosity, what are some common examples of NRMP violations?
Just out of curiosity, what are some common examples of NRMP violations?
Violations most commonly reported to the NRMP include:

  • An applicant does not withdraw from the Match and applies for, discusses, interviews for, or accepts a concurrent year position after the Rank Order List Certification Deadline and/or Match Day.
  • An applicant or a program initiates contact outside of ERAS during SOAP. Read the SOAP Communication Violations Policy.
  • An applicant or a program declines to honor the binding match commitment.
  • An applicant posts Match information on a website or listserv without NRMP authorization.
  • An applicant fails to provide complete, timely, and accurate information to programs – In their application, interview, and communication to programs, applicants must be sure to list CURRENT citizenship or visa status, not expected status at the time training would begin. All training, previous and current, should be in the application.
  • An applicant gives notice of resignation, resigns, or vacates a position within 45 days of the start date specified in the appointment contract.
  • A program asks an applicant to reveal the names, specialties, geographic location, or other identifying information about programs to which the applicant has applied or may apply or about interviews.
  • A program offers a position to an applicant who is matched to a concurrent year position in another program.
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Just out of curiosity, what are some common examples of NRMP violations?
The ones that med students are likely to actually get in trouble/reported for:

1) Concealing/not disclosing (or updating programs about) info that would otherwise affect their match chances. Arrests, major academic failings after submitting ERAS, etc.
2) Learning they didn't match, then freaking out and immediately cold-emailing a bunch of programs begging for a spot.
3) Not showing up on day one for a program they matched to (without a great reason), or switching/trying to switch programs/specialties without going through the proper channels.
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