Downward then Upward GPA Trend?

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2+ Year Member
Aug 26, 2021
Reaction score
Freshman Year: 3.5
Sophomore Year: 3.5
Junior Year: 3.0
Senior Year: 4.0

(Estimate) Overall GPA: 3.5

I don't like making excuses for myself but for my secondaries I think it would be necessary to explain my GPA junior year. I deliberately took a lighter course load junior year as I became more involved in other extracurricular activities. I have 2 W and 2 C's from biology and biochemistry respectively. However I retook biochemistry (1 W, 1 C, 1 A) the third time and finished off with an A. Looking back, I am ashamed of my grades and I had no excuse. However if I had to explain about my junior year, I took on a leadership position for the very first time in my life which impacted me a lot. I found myself being involved in a large student organization whilst also looking after and supporting other officers. It was my first time putting myself out there and learning how to overcome certain obstacles. I realized that I was too focused on the organization that I forgot to take care of myself first. I ended junior year with a 3.0 GPA (not cumulative). From then on, I stopped being involved in the student organization and focused more on my other extracurricular activities. I ended up taking 19 semester credit hours my last semester of my senior year ending off with a 4.0 GPA whilst also managing my time with 2 other part time jobs as well as doing research.

Would this be a reasonable explanation? I just don't want it to sound like an excuse and was hoping my senior year reflected that

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First of all, a 3.5 GPA is nothing to be ashamed of. But yeah, it's low for trying to get into medical school.

What else did you have going on? What all were you involved in? Were you working?

For what it's worth, I always said to myself "Hey, when I'm finally in med school and don't have to do these extracurriculars, it will be easier because I'll finally have time to study." But it's not easier, it's actually worse. Now I work just as hard at just school.

Edit: to answer your question, no, "I was a club president" is not a good enough answer. But I'm sure there's more to it than that which is why I'm asking you these questions
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