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Dec 5, 2000
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Hi All

I received/completed my secondary in early December. I am wondering how long it takes before you hear from them. FYI, I completed my AMCAS in June. Does Drew/UCLA follow UCLA's app format? If so, then I imagine that
many acceptance notices have been sent out by now and my chances for an interview would be slim.


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I understand that Drew invites about 25-30 students to interview each month -- they have an interview weekend where everyone goes and interviews and sees the King-Drew hospital. They interview over a 5 month period starting in November I believe (I could be wrong). So you will have to cross your fingers and hope that you be invited for their February or March group. Please contact the school because my reply may be not be completely accurate.
Originally posted by D.R.HiFlo:
Hi All

I received/completed my secondary in early December. I am wondering how long it takes before you hear from them. FYI, I completed my AMCAS in June. Does Drew/UCLA follow UCLA's app format? If so, then I imagine that
many acceptance notices have been sent out by now and my chances for an interview would be slim.

Last time I called Drew's Admission Office, I was told that they began their interview process in January and would interview through May, so it is still early in the process. Drew has its own admission process which is independent of UCLA.